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Alexander Mikhailovich

Senior Researcher at the IOM RAS
Candidate of Sciences (equiv. Ph.D.) - Philology
(15.02.1952 — 23.01.2011)
Born on February 15, 1952, in the settlemtn of Dedovichi, the Pskov District. In 1974, graduated from Leningrad State University, the Faculty of Oriental Studies, the Department of the History of Far East, the Cestion of the History of Japan. In 1974-78, worked at the Author Rights Agency and the Institute of Plant Science. In 1978, enrolled to the staff of the Leningrad Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies as a research technician. In 1983, defended the PhD Dissertation entitled Poetry of Five Monasteries (Gozan Bungaku), from the 14th tthrough 15th century, and Its Place in Japanese Literature [Поэзия Пяти монастырей (годзан бунгаку) в XIV-XV вв. и ее место в японской литературе], supervised by Dr V.N.Goreglyad. From 1985 up to present, senior researcher at the Institute (now the IOM RAS).

Major research interests: Chan and Zen Buddhism (especially gozan literature), Chinese-Japanese historical and cultural relations, Japanese esoteric Buddhism, Shinto, language and culture of the Ainu people and Ryukyu Islands, folk literature during the Tokugawa period, cultural and social anthropology.

In 1990-99, headed the Japanese Department at the Oriental Institute, being one of the Institute's founders. Gave courses on the Japanese language, literature, history, religion, cultural anthropology.

In addition to his numerous academic papers, Dr A.Kabanov translated a number of novels from Japanese and English.

International conferences:
1988 Esoteric Buddhism in Japan (Denmark)
1988 Japan and Korea in the Changing World (Stockholm)
1989 The Esoteric Buddhist Tradition (Denmark)
1989 National Approaches to Japanese Studies (Tokyo, Deutsches Institut fur Japanstudien)
1991 The Triennial Conference of the European Association for Japanese Studies (Berlin)
1992 The 3rd Nordic Symposium on Japanese and Korean
1992 The 3rd Annual Conference of the European Association of Japanese Resource Specialists (EARJS) (Leiden)
1993 The 4th Annual Conference of the European Association of Japanese Resource Specialists (Stockholm)
1993 Traditional and Modern in Japanese Literature and Language (Prague) 1994 The Triennial Conference of the European Association of Japanese Specialists (Kopenhagen)
1994 The Ryukyuan Materials in Europe (a panel of the EAJRS) (Bonn)
1994 The Kyoto Conference on Japanese Studies
1995 The Toho Gakkai Annual Conference (Tokyo)
1996 Pilgrimages in Japan (Spain)
1996 The 7th Annual Conference of the European Association of Japanese Resource Specialists (Wurzburg)
1996 The 6th International Conference on Minority Languages (Gdansk)
1996 The AAR Annual Conference (New Orlean)
1997 The EAJS Conference (Budapest)
1997 The 8th Annual Conference of the European Association of Japanese Resource Specialists (Heidelberg)
1998 The 5th Asian Congress on Sexuality (Seoul)
1999 The Pilsudski conference (Gdansk)
1999 The 10th Annual Conference of the EAJRS (Krakow)
2000 Colloquium on Buddhism (Louvain)
2000 The 11th Annual Conference of the EAJRS (Prague)
2001 The 12th Annual Conference of the EAJRS (Bratislava)
2002 The 13th Annual Conference of the EAJRS (Paris)
2003 The 4th Conference of Japan Memory Project (Tokyo)
2004 The 15th Annual Conference of the EAJRS (Salamanka)

Publications ( the entire list as a *.pdf file)


Japanese Mosaic. In memoriam of Professor V. N. Goregliad [Японская мозаика: сборник статей памяти профессора В. Н. Горегляда]. Ed. by A.M.Kabanov & K.G.Maranjian. St Petersburg, Giperion Publishers 2009.


Kabanoff A. On an Anonymous Manuscript “Higashi Ezo iko” // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 3, No 1, March 1997. P. 48-50.


Буддизм в переводах. Выпуск 2 / Перевод Е.А.Торчинова, М.Е.Ермакова, В.И.Рудого, Е.П.Островской, Е.А.Островской-младшей, Т.В.Ермаковой, О.С.Сорокиной, К.Ю.Солонина, А.М.Кабанова, А.С.Мартынова, И.С.Гуревич, К.В.Алексеева, В.Л.Успенского, В.Ю.Климова, Е.А.Западовой. Редактор-составитель Е.А.Торчинов. СПб.: «Андреев и сыновья», 1993.


Буддизм в переводах. Выпуск 1 / Перевод Е.А.Торчинова, М.Е.Ермакова, Р.Н.Крапивиной, И.С.Гуревич, О.С.Сорокиной, К.Ю.Солонина, А.М.Кабанова, А.В.Гаврилова. Редактор-составитель Е.А.Торчинов. СПб.: «Андреев и сыновья», 1992.

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