Alexander Gavrilovich
Senior Researcher at the IOM RAS Candidate of Sciences (equiv. Ph.D.) - History
In 1979, graduated from Leningrad State University, the Historical Faculty, the Department of the History of Ancient Greece and Rome.
From 1982, works at the Leningrad Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies (now IOM RAS). In 1986, defended the PhD Dissertation, The Roman Province of Arabia. The Major Issues of Socio-Political and Cultural Development from the 2nd to 5th Century [Римская провинция Аравия — основные проблемы социально-политического и культурного развития II-V вв.].
In 1991, took part at the 18th International Congress of Byzantinists in Moscow. From September 1989 to March 1990, worked at the Institute for Advanced Study, School of Historical Studies, Princeton, USA. From January to June 1994, worked at the University of Tours, France, gave lectures at the University of Dijon and Collége de France, Paris. From February to March 1996, gave lectures at École pratique des hautes études, Section des Sciences Réligieuses, Paris.
In 1996-1998, gave lectures on Greek as the Non-State Kemen University. From 1998 up to present, gives special courses of lectures at the Historical Faculty, St Petersburg State University. From 2000 up to present, gives lectures and supervises students' theses at the St Peterburg Hebrew Institute, the Historical Faculty.
In April 2004, took part in the International Conference of Russian and Arabic Cultural Relationsin Tunisia, Tunis.
Major research interests: the Roman Empire, Roman provinces, Near East during Roman and Byzantine eras; the history of Russian Oriental studies< the Russian presence in Near East and the Arabic world
( the entire list as a *.pdf file) [2005]
Грушевой А.Г. И.Ш. Шифман (1930-1990): жизнь и научное творчество / Мнемон. Исследования и публикации по истории античного мира. Сб. статей / Под ред. проф. Э.Д.Фролова. Выпуск 4. — СПб.: Издательство СПбГУ, 2005, 522-530
Васильев А.А. История Византийской империи. Время до крестовых походов (до 1081 г.). Вступительная статья, примечания, научная редакция, перевод с английского языка и именной указатель А.Г.Грушевого. СПб.: Издательство «Алетейя», 1998
Православный Палестинский сборник. Выпуск 33 (96): Грушевой А.Г. Нессанские папирусы (Основные проблемы социально-экономической и политической истории Южной Палестины); Синайские набатейские надписи как исторический источник. Ответственный редактор О.Г.Пересыпкин. СПб., 1998
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