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Alla Alekseevna

Researcher at the IOM RAS
Head of the IOM Council of Young Scholars
Master's degree in Asian and African Studies
Born on January 16, 1987, in Leningrad.

From 2003 up to 2010, studied at St.Petersburg State University, the Faculty of Oriental Studies, the Department of Mongolian Philology (now the Department of Mongolian and Tibetan Studies).

In 2006-2007, took an academic training at the National University of Mongolia.

In 2010, obtained the Master degree in Literature.

In December of 2010, started her doctoral studies at the IOM RAS, the Dissertation is entitled Literature on the Paths in Mongolian and Tibetan Tradition [«Литература Пути» в монголо-тибетской традиции], supervised by Dr N.S. Yakhontova.

From December 2010 up to present, works at the Department of Manuscripts and Documents, the IOM RAS, processes the Mongolian collection, from 2019, also at the Serindica Laboratory (assistant researcher; junior researcher; researcher). From late 2011 up to present, takes part in cataloguing projects at the Tibetan collection of the IOM RAS.

Major research interests: genre theory, Tibetan and Mongolian Buddhist literature, literature on the paths, Lam rim literature.



Tibetology in St. Petersburg. Collected papers. Issue 2 / Editorial board: B. B. Badmayev, A. V. Zorin (executive editor), Ch. Ramble, A. A. Sizova (secretary), V. L. Uspensky. St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg Centre for Oriental Studies Publishers, 2021. 356 р. + 16 il. ISBN 978-5-85803-572-5


Hamanaka S., Sizova A. Imperial Postscript to the Tangut, Chinese and Tibetan Editions of the Dhāraṇī-sūtras in the Collection of the IOM, RAS // Written Monuments of the Orient. Vol. 6, No. 2(12), 2020. P. 65—92.

Sizova A. Tibetan Manuscript on Birchbark from the Collection of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts RAS // Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines. New Currents on the Neva River: Proceedings of the Fifth International Seminar of Young Tibetologists. Number 55, Juillet 2020. P. 462–474.


Zorin A.V., Mitruev B.L., Sabrukova S.S., Sizova A.A. The Catalogue of Texts of the Tibetan Buddhist Canon Kept at the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, RAS. Vol. 2: Indexes [Каталог сочинений тибетского буддийского канона из собрания ИВР РАН. Вып. 2: Индексы]. Ed. by A.V.Zorin. Photos by A.A.Sizova. St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg Centre for Oriental Studies Publishers 2019. 952 p. ISBN 978-5-85803-520-6 (Вып. 2)

Zorin A., Sizova A. On the History of the Formation and Processing of the Collection of the Tibetan Texts from Khara-Khoto Kept at the IOM, RAS // Written Monuments of the Orient. No. 1(9), 2019. P. 3—18.


Zorin A.V., Mitruev B.L., Sabrukova S.S., Sizova A.A. The Catalogue of Texts of the Tibetan Buddhist Canon Kept at the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, RAS. Vol. 1: Bka’ ’gyur and Bstan ’gyur [Каталог сочинений тибетского буддийского канона из собрания ИВР РАН. Вып. 1: Кагьюр и Тэнгьюр]. Ed. by A.V.Zorin. Photos by A.A.Sizova. St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg Centre for Oriental Studies Publishers 2017. 512 p. ISBN 978-5-85803-506-0 (Вып. 1)


The Buddhist Traditions of Russia: Commemorating the 250th Anniversary of the Lineage of the Pandita Khambo Lamas [Учение Будды в России: 250 лет институту Пандито Хамбо-лам]. Editorial Board: Prof. Dr. I. F. Popova (chief editor); B. B. Badmaev; Prof. Dr. V. L. Uspensky; Dr. A. V. Zorin (executive editor); A. A. Sizova (secretary). St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg Centre for Oriental Studies Publishers, 2015. 186 р.

Lundysheva O. Fragments of dhāraṇī Blockprints from Khara-Khoto (Serindian Fund of IOM, RAS). With Appendix by A.Sizova // // Written Monuments of the Orient, 2. Moscow: Vostochnaya literatura, 2015. P. 31-47.

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