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Evgeny Ivanovich

Doctor of Sciences (equiv. Habilitation) - History
(22.06.1932 — 24.05.2013)
Born on June 22, 1932 in the city of Sarapul, the Republic of Udmurtia, the USSR/Russian Federation.

In 1955 graduated from the Department of Asian and African Studies, Leningrad State University, the group of Chinese History. From 1955 to 1958 — a doctoral student at the Leningrad Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies (now the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts). From December 1958 — a junior researcher at the same Institute. In 1960 defended the PhD dissertation entitled The State of Xi Xia (982-1227) [Государство Си Ся (982-1227 гг.)]. From 1965 — a senior researcher and simultaneously the deputy director of the Branch, headed the Tangut group formed by the initiative of the Institute’s authorities. In 1970 defended the Habilitation dissertation entitled The Account of the History of the Tangut State [Очерк истории тангутского государства]. From 1978 — chair of the Department of Far Eastern Studies, from 1983 — of the Department of Historiography of China and Central Asia. From 1996 to 2003 — head of the Branch.

Academic activities and publications have been devoted to the study of texts, history and culture of the Tangut State (Xi Xia; 982-1227). Some papers were also devoted to the history of Tibet anв Mongolia. The most important works include The Account of the History of the Tangut State, translation of Tangut aphorisms, translation and study of the Tangut Law Code of the 12th century The Revised and Newly Endorsed Code for the Designation of Reign ‘Celestial Prosperity’ (1149-69) [Измененный и заново утвержденный кодекс девиза царствования Небесное процветание (1149-1169)], and the Tangut-Russian-Chinese dictionary.

The Honored Member of the the Csoma de Körös Society of Hungarian Orientalists, Honored Professor of Ningxia University and Lanzhou University, Honored Member of the Centre for the Study of Xi Xia at the Academy of Social Sciences of the CPR. Lecturar at Leningrad/St Petersburg University (as a Professor from 1986). Supervised about 20 PhD Dissertations.

Took part in various international conferences such as the Internation Congress of Anthropological and Ethnographic Siences (Moscow 1964), the 13th International Congress of Historical Studies (Moscow 1970), the International Symposium The Role of Nomadic Civilizations in Central Asia (Ulan-Bator 1973), the 19th International Congress of Asian and North African Studies (Paris 1973), the Csoma de Körös Memorial Symposia (Mátrafüred 1976; Chopak 1979; Visegrád 1984), the Symposium on the history of Chinese Law (Bellagio 1981), various symposiums on the history of Nomadic Peoples, held in Taiwan, Holland, etc.

By the decree of the President of the Russian Federation from August 30, 2005 Prof Dr E.Kychanov was awarded with the medal In Commemoration of the 1000-year anniversary of Kazan.

Publications ( the entire list as a *.pdf file)


Kychanov E. Tangut Documents from Khara-Khoto concerning Loans of Grain (Translated and Edited by Kirill Solonin) // Written Monuments of the Orient. 1(1), 2015. P. 57–66.


"The New Laws"of the Tangut State (the first quarter of the 13th Century) [«Новые законы» тангутского государства (первая четверть XIII в.)] / Ed. and tr. from Tangut by E.I.Kychanov. Moscow, Nauka - Vostochnaya literatura 2013. 501 p. (Pamyatniki pismennosti Vostoka; CXL.)


Kychanov E. / 葉甫根尼•克恰諾夫. Dunhuang as Part of the Tangut Empire (982—1227) / 敦煌作為西夏王國疆域的一部分(982—1227) // Dunhuang Studies: Prospects and Problems for the Coming Second Century of Research / 敦煌學:第二個百年的研究視角與問題. St. Petersburg: Slavia Publishers, 2012. P. 127—130.

Kychanov E. Irrigation in the Tangut State of Xi Xia (982—1227) // Talking about Dunhuang on the Riverside of the Neva / 涅瓦河邊談敦煌. Ed. by TAKATA Tokio / 高田時雄編. Institute ror Research in Humanities Kyoto University / 京都大學人文科學研究所 2012. P. 1—19.


Kychanov Е.I. The History of the Ancient and Medieval States adjacent to China (from the Huns to the Manchu) [История приграничных с Китаем древних и средневековых государств (от гуннов до маньчжуров)]. 2nd ed., rev. and suppl. St. Petersburg: Linguistic Society of St. Petersburg, 2010. 364 p. (Series „Nomadica").


The Caves of One Thousand Buddhas. Russian Expeditions along the Silk Route. On the Occasion of 190 Years of the Asiatic Museum. Exhibition Catalogue. St Petersburg, The State Hermitage Publishers 2008.

Kychanov E. I. History of the Tangut State [История тангутского государства]. St Petersburg: St Petersburg State University Faculty of Philology and Arts, 2008. 767 p. (Historical Studies).

Kychanov E.I. The Tangut Collection of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts: History and Study // Russian Expeditions to Central Asia at the Turn of the 20th Century / Collected articles. Edited by I.F. Popova. St Petersburg, Slavia Publishers, 2008. P. 130-147.


Пан Т.А. Маньчжурские письменные памятники по истории и культуре империи Цин XVII–XVIII вв. / Ответственный редактор Е.И.Кычанов. СПб.: «Петербургское Востоковедение», 2006. 228 с. (Orientalia).

Словарь тангутского (Си Ся) языка. Тангутско-русско-англо-китайский словарь. Составитель Е.И.Кычанов. Со-составитель С.Аракава. Киото, 2006.


Текст Сутры Лотоса на тангутском (Си ся) языке из коллекции Санкт-Петербургского филиала Института Востоковедения Российской Академии Наук. Xixia Version of the Lotus Sutra from the Collection of the St. Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences / Серия манускриптов Сутры Лотоса № 6. Lotus Sutra Manuscript Series 6 / Под редакцией Тацуо Нисида. Edited by Tatsuo Nishida. СПбФ ИВ РАН – Сока Гаккай, 2005.


Кычанов Е.И. Галдан бошгот хааны тужай (Повествование об ойратском Галдане Бошокту-хане). Улаанбаатар, 2002. (Перевод на монгольский язык).


Кычанов Е.И. Ертонцийг эзэгнэн дагуулсан тэмyжиний уйламьдрал. Улаанбаатар, 2000.

The Note at the Altar On the Reconciliation of Confucius [Запись у алтаря о примирении Конфуция]. Fascimile edition, translation from Tangut, with Introduction and dictionary by E.I.Kychanov. Moscow: 2000. 151 p. (Pamyatniki pismennosti Vostoka, CXVII.)


Kychanov E.I. The Catalogue of Tangut Buddhist Texts Kept at the Institute of Oriental Studies, the Russian Academy of Sciences [Каталог тангутских буддийских памятников Института востоковедения Российской Академии Наук], with an Introduction by T.Nishida, ed. by Sh.Arakawa. Kyoto University 1999.


Kychanov E. Tangut Buddhist Books: Customers, Copyists, and Editors // Manuscripta Orientalia. International Journal for Oriental Manuscript Research. Vol. 4, No 3, September 1998. P. 5-9.

The Lotus Sutra and Its World: Buddhist Manuscripts of the Great Silk Road. Manuscripts and block prints from the collection of the St. Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies = 『法華経とシルクロード』展: 東洋学研究所 (サンクトペテルブルク)所蔵の仏教文献遺産; Venue: Soka Gakkai Josei Toda International Center, Tokyo; Period: November 10–30, 1998 = 開催期間: 1998 年 11 月 10 日~30 日; 会場: 戸田記念国際会館(東京都) / Supervisors: Evgenij I. Kychanov, Daisaku Ikeda = 監修: 池田大作, エヴゲーニ I. クチャー ノフ. [St. Petersburg]: St. Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies; [Tokyo]: Institute of Oriental Philosophy, [1998]. [2], 42 p.


Kychanov E. “The Altar Record on Confucius' Conciliation”, an Unknown Tangut Apocryphal Work // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 3, No 3, November 1997. P. 3-7.

The Sea of Meanings, Established by the Saints [Море значений, установленных святыми]. Xylograph facsimile edition / Translation from Tangut, foreword, commentary and appendixes by E. I. Kychanov. Saint Petersburg: "Peterburgskoe Vostokovedenie" center, 1997. 330 pp. (Monuments of the Oriental Culture: Saint Petersburg academic series. IV).


Kychanov E. Unique Tangut Manuscripts on Moral and Ethical Regulations in the Tangut Society // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 1, No 2, October 1995. Pp. 3-8.

Kychanov E. Wen-hai Bao-yun: the Book and its Fate // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 1, No 1, July 1995. Pp. 39-44.


Моngolica: To the 750th Anniversary of the Secret History [Mongolica-II: К 750-летию «Сокровенного сказания»] / Editorial Board: V.M.Solntsev (chief), L.K.Gerasimovich, S.G.Klyashtornyj (deputy chief), E.I.Kychanov, A.G.Sazykin, N.N.Yatskovskaya. Moscow 1993. 343 p.


The Revised and Newly Endorsed Code for the Designation of Reign ‘Celestial Prosperity’ (1149-69) [Изменённый и заново утверждённый кодекс девиза царствования: Небесное процветание (1149-1169)]. In 4 vols, ed. by Ye.I.Kychanov. Vol. 3: Facsimile edition, translation, notes (chapters 8-12). Moscow 1989. (Pamyatniki pismennosti Vostoka, LXXXI, 3).


The Revised and Newly Endorsed Code for the Designation of Reign ‘Celestial Prosperity’ (1149-69) [Изменённый и заново утверждённый кодекс девиза царствования: Небесное процветание (1149-1169)]. In 4 vols, ed. by Ye.I.Kychanov. Vol. 1: Research. Moscow 1988. (Pamyatniki pismennosti Vostoka, LXXXI).


Шихуа о том, как Трипитака Великой Тан добыл священные книги (Да Тан Сань-цзан цюй цзин шихуа) / Пер. с кит., исследование и примеч. Л. К. Павловской. Ответственный редактор Е. И. Кычанов. М.: «Наука», ГРВЛ, 1987. 143 с.

The Revised and Newly Endorsed Code for the Designation of Reign ‘Celestial Prosperity’ (1149-69) [Изменённый и заново утверждённый кодекс девиза царствования: Небесное процветание (1149-1169)]. In 4 vols, ed. by Ye.I.Kychanov. Vol. 2: Facsimile edition, translation, notes (chapters 1-7). Moscow 1987. (Pamyatniki pismennosti Vostoka, LXXXI, 2).


Моngolica-I. In Memory of Boris Yakovlevich Vladimirtsov. 1884-1931 [Моngolica-I. Памяти Бориса Яковлевича Владимирцова. 1884-1931] / Editorial board: A.N.Kononov (chief), L.K.Gerasimovich, S.G.Klyashtornyj, E.I.Kychanov, A.G.Sazykin, V.M.Solntsev. Moscow 1986.


Kyčanov E.I. Buddhism and State In Hsi Hsia From Juridical Aspect // Acta Orient. Hung. Tomus XXXIV. Fasc. 1-3. 1980. C. 105-111.

Школяр С.А. Китайская доогнестрельная артиллерия: (Материалы и исследования) / АН СССР. Институт востоковедения. М.: ГРВЛ, 1980. 404 с. Ответственный редактор Е.И.Кычанов


Кычанов Е.И., Савицкий Л.С. Люди и боги Страны снегов. Очерк истории Тибета и его культуры. М., «Наука», ГРВЛ, 1975. 319 с. с ил. («Культура народов Востока»).


The Newly-Assembled Precious Dual Maxims: fascimile edition [Вновь собранные драгоценные парные изречения: факсимиле ксилографа]. Edited, translated by Ye.I.Kychanov with the introduction and notes. Moscow 1974. 224 p. (Pamyatniki pismennosti Vostoka. Vol. 40.)


Азиатский музей - Ленинградское отделение Института востоковедения АН СССР / Редакционная коллегия: А.П.Базиянц, Д.Е.Бертельс (отв. секретарь), Б.Г.Гафуров, А.Н.Кононов (председатель), Е.И.Кычанов, И.М.Оранский, Ю.А.Петросян, Э.Н.Тёмкин, О.Л.Фишман, А.Б.Халидов, И.Ш.Шифман. М.: «Наука», 1972.

Кычанов Е.И. Свод военных законов тангутского государства «Яшмовое зерцало управления лет царствования Чжэнь-гуань // Письменные памятники Востока. Ежегодник 1969. М.: «Наука», ГРВЛ, 1972. С. 229-242.


Море письмен. Факсимиле тангутских ксилографов / Перевод с тангутского, вступительные статьи и приложения К.Б.Кепинг, В.С.Колоколова, Е.И.Кычанова и А.П.Терентьева-Катанского. Часть 1. М.: «Наука», ГРВЛ, 1969.


Горбачёва З.И., Кычанов Е.И. Тангутские рукописи и ксилографы / Предисловие Н.И.Конрада. М.: ИВЛ, 1963.

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