[Bibliotheca Buddhica XI:] Nyāyabindutīkāppaņī. The Commentary on Nyāyabindutīkā, the Treatise by Dharmottara Ed. of the Sanskrit text, with an Introduction and Notes by Th. Stcherbatsky [Nyāyabinduṭīkāṭippaṇī. Толкование на сочинение Дармоттары Nyāyabinduṭīkā / Санскритский текст с примечаниями изд. Ф. И. Щербатской]. St Petersburg, Typography of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1909. IV, 43, 5 p.
The edition of Nyāyabindutīkāppaņī is based upon the only extant ms made by order of Prof Bühler for the Bombay Government Collection during his travel through India in search of the old mss.
The Seventeenth All-Russian Orientalist Seminar in memory of O.O. Rosenberg will be held at the IOM RAS on November 27–28, 2023. The program of the conference is now available.