Kychanov E. I. History of the Tangut State [История тангутского государства]. St Petersburg: St Petersburg State University Faculty of Philology and Arts, 2008. 767 p. (Historical Studies).
This book is the result of more than forty-year scholarly work of Prof. Dr. E. I. Kychanov devoted to reconstructing the history and culture of the Tangut State of the Great Xia (982-1227) which had been smashed by the army of Genghis Khan. The works included in the book were written in various years, and their contents reflect the considerable achievements in the field of Tangut studies for the last fifty years, viz. the growth of our knowledge about Tangut political history, economy, law, religion and culture owing both to deciphering, translating, and publishing the Tangut glossaries and other manuscripts discovered around 100 years ago by the famous Russian traveler P. K. Kozlov in the dead city of Khara-Khoto located in the Southern Gobi sands, and to studying the monuments of material culture of Xi Xia as well.
This book is intended both for the experts in the field of Oriental studies and for the general readership interested in the history and culture of the Central Asian and Far Eastern lands.