Karame A. Description of Kurdish Materials in Georgian National Centre of Manuscripts / Ed. by Z.A.Yusupova. Tr. into English by I.Kochoy. Tbilisi 2009.
Extremely valuable artifacts relating to the language, literature, folklore, history and ethnography of the Kurds from the year 1930 onwards are kept in the Georgian National Centre of Manuscripts, in Georgia. The majority of the materials are presented in hand-written form, in Kurdish, Russian and Armenian languages. Kurdish manuscripts are written in the northern dialect of Kurdish language -Kurmanji. The Kurdish materials are stored in the archives of the aforementioned Centre by the ROS foundation.
Unfortunately the Kurdish materials that are being kept in the archives of the Georgian National Centre of Manuscripts remain unknown and unavailable to anyone but a small group of Kurdish specialists. And this is despite the growing international scientific and public interest in the Kurdish peoples, their history and culture.
We consider it important to underline the fact that the Kurdish materials gathered by the archives of the Georgian National Centre of Manuscripts contain national creativity, and national - liberation movement throughout separate stages of their history...
On November 14–15, 2023, the 1st All-Russia conference of young orientalists “Army and military traditions of the Near East” will be held at the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, RAS. The program of the conference is now available.