Written Monuments of the Orient. Historical and Philological Researches [Письменные памятники Востока. Историко-филологические исследования]. Ed. by L.N.Menshikov, S.B.Pevzner (executive secretary), A.S.Tveritinova (chief), A.B.Khalidov. Annual issue 1972. Moscow, Nauka Publishers 1977.
CONTENTS (all papers in Russian)
Z.N. Vorozheikina (Leningrad). Some more bayts ascribed to Rudaki — 5
S.N. Muratov (Leningrad). Oriental manuscripts from the archive of Acad. V. V. Radloff — 9
M.B. Rudenko(Leningrad). Is the manuscript of the Kurd poem by Selim Sleman ‘Yusuf and Zelikha’ (ГПБ, курд. 15) an autograph? — 26
A.S. Tveritinova (Moscow). New sixteenth century Turkish documents from MSS collections of Leningrad, Budapest & Berlin — 28
A.I. Falina (Moscow). ‘Correspondance’ by Rashid ad-Din as a source for the history of material culture — 79
R.Sh. Sharafutdinоva (Leningrad). A letter of naib Tashev-Hadji to Shamil — 86
A.R. Shikhsaidov (Makhachkala). A Daghestani historical chronicle ‘Ta’rīkh Daghestan’ by Muhammed Raff — 90
M.-N. Osmanov (Moscow). Concerning the so-called dastan ‘Khaqan-i Chin’ in the ‘Shah-nama’ — 120
E.A. Davidovich (Moscow). Barab: new mint of the Samanids and Anushtegins in Central Asia — 124
O.F. Akimushkin (Leningrad). Fragments of documents from the East Pamirs — 130
E.I. Kychanov (Leningrad). A report by a vice commander-in-chief of Khara-Khoto (March 1225) — 139
E.I. Kychanov (Leningrad). A Tangut document of a mortgage loan from Khara-Khoto — 146
К.B. Keping (Leningrad). A Tunhuan text of the preface to Suvarņapraphāsa — 153
К.B. Keping (Leningrad). A MS fragment of a military treatise by Sun tzu in a Tangut translation — 161
A.P. Terentiev-Katanski (Leningrad). To the history of the Tangut hand-written book — 167
Yu. M. Alikhanova (Moscow). The doctrine of Abhinavagupta in aesthetical experience (by the text of ‘Locana’) — 174
V. F. Gusarov (Leningrad). Some principles of the theory of the way by Han Yu — 197
R.G. Karlina (Leningrad). Ivan Nesterovich and his manuscript of a Japanese-Russian dictionary — 224
L. К. Pavlovskaia (Leningrad). From the history of the text of ‘P'inghua to the History of Five Dynasties’ — 231
К.E. Cherevko (Moscow). To the study of ‘Kojiki’ (‘Record of Events Past’), 712 A.D. — 241
L. V. Goriaeva (Moscow). A Malay hikayat ‘A Story of Shams ul-Bahrayn’ (A tentative analysis of textology and plot based on selected materials) — 257
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