Kepping Ks. ‘Mi-nia’ (Tangut) Self-appellation and Self-portraiture in Khara Khoto Materials // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 7, No 4, December 2001. P. 37-47.
Nowadays the terms ‘Tangut’ and ‘Xia’ (‘Xi Xia’) are commonly used in scholarly literature to designate both the Tangut state (982—1227) and the people who have founded it. However, it is well known that these terms, foreign to the Tanguts, belong to those who contributed to the fall of the Tangut state and to the scattering of the people: the term ‘Tangut’ was used by the Mongols (in 1227 the Tangut state fell victim to the Mongolian invasion), while ‘Xia’ (‘Xi Xia’) — by the Chinese (later, in the last decades of the fourteenth century, when Yuan dynasty was giving its place to Ming, the process of extermination of the Tangut people was seemingly completed; at least such was the situation in Khara Khoto — being destroyed it was abandoned by its inhabitants just at that time). However, in Tangut texts there do exist Tangut indigenous names for the Tangut state, phon mbin lhiə lie “The Great State of the White and Lofty”, and for its people — mi and mi-niaш. But the tradition of using the foreign designations is so stable that, despite the fact that today these indigenous terms are quite familiar to the scholars, the foreign designations are still preferred... PDF-files The entire paper
Keywords Khara Khoto Manuscripta Orientalia, selected papers Xi Xia
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