[Bibliotheca Buddhica XV:] Kien-ch‘ui-fan-tsan (Gaṇḍistotragāthā), a Buddhist hymn by Açvаghоṣa found in the Chinese transcription, Ts‘ih-fuh-tsan-pai-k‘ie-t‘o (Saptajinastava) and Fuh-shwoh-wăn-shu-shi-li-yih-poh-pah-ming-fan-tsan (Āryamañjuçrīnāmāṣṭaçataka). Edited and explained with use of the Tibetan translation by Baron A. von Stäel-Holstein [Kien-ch‘ui-fan-tsan (Gaṇḍistotragāthā), сохранившийся в китайской транскрипции санскритский гимн Açvаghоṣʼи, Ts‘ih-fuh-tsan-pai-k‘ie-t‘o (Saptajinastava) и Fuh-shwoh-wăn-shu-shi-li-yih-poh-pah-ming-fan-tsan (Āryamañjuçrīnāmāṣṭaçataka). Издал и при помощи тибетского перевода объяснил барон А. фон-Сталь-Гольстейн (Baron A. von Stäel-Holstein)]. St Petersburg, Typography of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1913. XXIX, 189, 2 p.
International Conference dedicated to the 160th anniversary of Academician Sergey F. Oldenburg (1863–1934) “The Age of Sergey Fedorovich Oldenburg in the Russian Academy of Sciences” will be held at the IOM RAS on September 26–27, 2023.