Radloff W. Uigurische Sprachdenkmäler. Materialien nach dem Tode des Verfassers mit Ergänzungen von S. Malov herausgegeben. Redaktion von W. Barthold. Leningrad: Verlag der Akademie der Wissenschaften der USSR, 1928.
The book was prepared by W. Radloff in 1904 but it was not issued at that time. The author kept editing the book since new materials were discovered in Chinese Turkestan. Its publication was finally accomplished by Sergey Malov 20 years after its first version was made and 8 years after its Author's death.
The Twelfth St. Petersburg Tibetological Seminar dedicated to the 145th anniversary of B.B. Baradiin will be held at the IOM RAS on November 14, 2023. The program is now available.