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In Honour of the 100th Anniversary of K.K. Kurdoev (1909-1985)5

Z.A. Yusupova. K.K. Kurdoev and the Kurdish Studies in Russia6

J.S. Musaelyan. K.K. Kurdoev's Contribution to the Studies of the Kurdish Literature and Folklore8

List of Publications by K.K. Kurdoev10


The “Divan” of an 18th Century Kurdish Poet Vali-Devana Composed in the Gorani Dialect. Transcription, Translation, Examples by Z.A. Yusupova13
The present publication contains the full text of the Divan of Vali-Devana (in the Gorani dialect of Kurdish) in Latin transcription and also a Russian translation of 15 ghazals. The work is based on the text of the Divan of Vali-Devana published (from privately owned manuscripts) in 1976 in Baghdad by Usman Hewramо. This literary monument is valuable both as a source for dialectological studies and as an example of Kurdish medieval literature. The practical value of this publication consists in the fact that it makes the monument available to the Kurds in Turkish Kurdistan who use a Latin-based alphabet.

“Tabaqat” (“The Book of Categories”) by Ibn Dayfallah. Introduction, Translation of a Fragment of the Text from Arabic and Comments by I.V. Gerasimov41
The article provides information about the author of the text of Tabaqat which is devoted to the biographies and descriptions of miracles of Sufi men, poets and theologians. It also contains the text of translation of several biographies from Arabic into Russian.

“Kaikoku Heidan” (“Military Disputes about Maritime Nation”) by Hayashi Shihei. Preface, Translation from Japanese and Comments by V.V. Shchepkin — 52
The treatise Kaikoku Heidan, or Military Disputes about Maritime Nation, by Hayashi Shihei is well-known among researchers of Russo-Japanese relations due to the ideas suggested by the author in its preface. It is in the “Kaikoku Heidan” that the idea of Russia as a country hostile to Japan had first appeared. Here is the first attempt to translate the preface into Russian. The preceding commentary concerns the reasons which forced the author to write such a treatise.

Andhramahabharatamu. Introduction, Translation of a Fragment from the Telugu Language and Comments by E.V. Tanonova — 59
A fragment presented in this article is a part of the Telugu epic, which was not, so far, properly studied outside of India. By the example of Andhramahābhāratamu the author discusses the questions concerning the form in which Sanskrit epic penetrated Indian national literatures and its part in the origin and development of these literatures. The translation depicts the svayamvara ceremony as a royal rite.


J.S. Musaelyan. From the History of the Kurdish Tribe of Senjabi (Late 16th - Early 20th Century)78
The article is a study in the largest Kurdish tribe of South-Eastern Kurdistan — the Senjabi tribe which inhabits the border area between Iran and Iraq. It originated from the Qashqai and Shahrizuri people as well as the Lurs in the late 16th century. Subsequently, around 300 years ago the tribe settled down in a valley near Mahidesht-Kermanshah and mixed with the aboriginal agricultural population largely consisting of the Kurdish Zengeneh tribe first becoming a subdivision of this and later a subdivision of the Gorani tribe. Originally the Senjabis lacked consolidation as the tribe was composed of clans and families of different descent: many of them had come from distant areas while others were local peasants, a part of the tribe were migrants from Fars who had settled in the area in 1730-1740 (the Bakhtiari kin of Chalavi), others from Shahrizur, Dimla or Luristan; in addition to that there were also descendants from neighboring fellow tribes. As a result of certain historic events and due to the capacity of the subdivisions’ chiefs to come to an agreement with each other, they were finally consolidated into a single tribe under the name of Senjabi. The Senjabi subdivisions, tribe leaders, social and economic structure are among the issues analyzed in the article which also traces the tribal economic and political relations.

E.I. Vasilyeva. The Jaf People Described as “a Typical Kurdish Tribe of the Classical Type”93
The Jaf people are a mighty and the most significant tribal community of Southern Kurdistan. Its destiny is specific, political position is independent, while its roots go back to the remote past of the history of the Kurdish people. The Jaf tribe has remained an autonomous and independent social and political unit at all times, as attempts to establish a real power over it have never yielded tangible results.

Y.A. loannesyan. The Culture of Peace and Peace-Making in the Baha'i Religion103
The article is concerned with the teaching of peace as a creative spiritual and moral process in the Baha’i Faith. The whole worldview of this religion is permeated by this teaching. Peace-making is a cornerstone of its approach to both the individual and the collectivity, including the whole of humanity, based on a certain vision of its development perspectives. The Baha’i religion puts forward a system of moral and ethical norms, psychological attitudes and mechanisms to attain this goal. Since peace is understood not as an abstract concept but as a philosophy of life, it is proper to define it as a “peace-making culture.” This is illustrated in the article by numerous quotes from Baha’i Holy Writings and other texts in the authoritative Russian translations and in the provisional translations of the present author and his predecessors.

I.S. Gurevich. ”The Pinghua on the Three Kingdoms” and the Novel “Three Kingdoms”: An Attempt to Compare the Language Structure of the Texts126
The paper should be considered the next step in the investigation of grammatical comparison between structures of the texts identical in topic but different in genre and epoch. In the paper, adequate fragments of the two texts, The Pinghua on the Three Kingdoms (14th century) and the novel Three Kingdoms (14th century) based on the pinghua are studied carefully. The result of examining the grammatical structure of the mentioned texts is as follows: the text of the former (pinghua) is rather poor with respect to the new function words. In the structure of the novel the elements of the early baihua occur in very few cases.


Yu.Ye. Borschevsky, B.B. Vakhtin, L.P. Smirnova, L.N. Karskaya, V.I. Kalyanov 138


N.M. Katkova. The Poetry of the Sixth Dalai-lama Tshangs-Dbyangs-Rgya-Mtsho and Its Interpretation146
By the beginning of the 18th century Tibetan literature consisted of religious-philosophical treatises, historical works devoted to the history of Tibet, works devoted to Buddhism and its spiritual leaders. Such literature ignored human nature, feelings and relations with nature. But in written literature a great attention was paid to “virtue” and “evil” that influenced people’s “salvation” (nirvana). In this religious literature there were no room for secular poetry and prose. That’s why the poetry of the Sixth Dalai-lama Tshangs-dbyangs-rgya-mtsho and his lyrical poems “Love Songs” became so popular in Tibet, especially in Central Tibet.
Folklore has influenced Dalai-lama’s poetry, its form (four lines of 6 syllables) and contents (a system of poetic images). The main question for Tibetologists and other scholars is how to interpret this poetry, its contents and artistic form, in religious-mystical sense. Such an approach to interpretation was proposed by Th.D. Norbu. Per. K. Sorensen has offered a political interpretation. But L.S. Savizkiy refutes these interpretations:
According to its contents, this poetry is lyrical and devoted to emotional experience, often love. This poetry is “autopsychological”, as the narrator’s image coincides with the character’s image one, and both of them are close to Tshangs-dbyangs-rgya-mtsho’s image. But its “autopsychological” sense doesn’t mean it is autobiographical, because only some episodes from the Sixth Dalai-lama’s life are mentioned in his poetry. It is just a reflection of an ordinary love, ordinary feelings and emotions. This fact was the main reason of its popularity among ordinary people.

O.G. Bohhakov. Metrological Notes153
The paper is an attempt at considering the metrological system of the Near East of the 7th-14th centuries from the standpoint of the logic of proportions and ratio of various units of weight, volume, length and area.
The author ascertains that mithqal of 4,68 g was the initial unit for minting coins of various denomination and believes that the Baghdad rattle appeared under the Abbasids as an exagium for weighing coins. According to him, the units of volume were based not on linear dimensions but on the weight of the measured matters. The values of some units are also specified in the paper.

B.D. Khalatyan. The Kurdish Marwanid Dynasty (983-1096). Coming to Power 185
The article is devoted to the description of the position of Kurdistan during its capture by the Caliphate, the struggle between Arabian and Kurdish dynasties-clans for superiority made possible by the decline of the Caliphate, the ascent of the Kurdish Marwanid dynasty to the political Olympus. It also provides a description of the first representative of the Marwanids, Bad al-Kurdi, and of his nephews who furthered his cause and left a noticeable trace in the history of Kurdistan.


S.I. Marakhonova. A.A. Baiov — One More Russian Name Now Returned. The Fortune of O.O. Rosenberg's Pupil 189
The article concerns the last pupil of the famous Buddhologist Otton Rosenberg, Alexei Baiov.
Born in 1899, he studied at the St. Petersburg University only for one year. During the Civil war he emigrated to Estonia. He was the first to write a special article (May, 28, 1920) on the death of Rosenberg in November, 1919 and the only one to tell the truth about the circumstances that became hidden very soon. Because of the situation he was not able to continue his Buddhologic studies but became a well-known journalist, a writer, a poet and a literary critic in the Russian press of Tallin (Revel). His works about Oriental studies in post-revolutionary Russia and his poem The Future Thsusima are especially important. As he used a pseudonym, it was very difficult to identify the author with Baiov.
On the one hand, important data has been found recently in St. Petersburg archives about Baiov as a student of the University. On the other hand, an unknown A. de Hauteville wrote many articles in the Tallin newspapers in the 1920s. This mystery was solved thanks to his signature as Baiov d’Hauteville found in one of the documents.
Unfortunately, this talented young man died in Tallin on August 31, 1923, when he was only 24 years old.

M.A. Dandamayev, N.O. Czechowicz. A Late Achaemcnid Document from Tapsuhu in the Collection of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, St. Petersburg 202
The article contains a new publication of a cuneiform document that was kept in the collection of the Asiatic Museum. It was drafted in the city of Tapsuhu on the Middle Euphrates (406 B.C.) and was first published by H.A. Sayce in 1890. New readings of the text present a particular interest.

I.R. Katkova. Letters of Dutch East-Indian Company from the Collection of N.P. Likhachov in the Collection of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts (Russian Academy of Sciences)209
The present article deals with the problems of diplomatics and history, namely Malay letters and documents from the archives of Dutch East-Indian Company (Verenigden Oost-Indische Compagnie - VOC), dated back to the 17th-18th centuries. These documents belong to the collection of the famous Russian scholar and collectioner N.P. Likhachov (1862-1936) and has been preserved in the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts since 1938. The survey contains the description of all documents consisting of 54 letters in different languages (Malay written Arabic and Javanese characters, Dutch and Spanish) and also touches on historical aspects of the VOC’s activity and the problems of Malay epistolography and sphragistics.

N.L. Luzhelskaya. Data on the Emergency Movement of Colonel Ionov's Detachment towards the Bartang River in Roshan, 1893 (in the Files of Orientalists' Archive, Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, RAS)223
The article is a partial publication of File 117 contained in A.E. Snesarev’s materials of the Orientalists’ Archive at the Institute of Oriental manuscripts, RAS.

M.I. Vorobyova-Desyatovskaya. Russian Scholars on the Paths of Central Asia (Discovery of the Lost Written Cultures)237
The article deals with the Russian contribution to the investigations on the Central Asian territories described in Chinese sources as the “Western Region” (Xi yu) and known in Russia as Eastern Turkestan.
The main attention is focused on the expeditions organized by the Russian Committee for Middle and East Asia Exploration at the early 20th century. Particularly the author analyses the expedition activities of M. Berezovsky, S. Oldenburg, P. Kozlov and the sensational discovery of the remnants of the dead Tangut city of Kharo-Khoto. The author describes the most interesting buddhist manuscripts brought by the Russian expeditions from the northern oases of Eastern Turkestan (Kucha, Karashar, the Turfan area).

G.Ch. Kaplan. The Role of Russian Scholars in the Emergence of Assyriology254
Russian scholars made a useful contribution to the early development of Assyriology. W. Dittel and N. Khanykoff helped H. Rawlinson, a distinguished British decipherer of cuneiform writing, providing him with the texts he needed for his research. J. Lundqvist and J. Smirnoff played a certain role in discovering Hittite monuments. Russian scholars provided significant input into the establishment of Urartology.


I.N. Medvedskaya. Diakonov Readings 2010261

O.A. Vodneva. Annual Scientific Conference at the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, RAS (November 30 - December 2, 2009)264


Ankosi Karame. Description of Kurdish Materials in Georgian National Centre of Manuscripts (J.S. Musaelyan) — 266

Dandamaev M.A. Mesopotamia and Iran in the 7th-4th Centuries B.C. Social Institutions and Ideology (N. V. Kozyreva) — 268

The Treasury of Tabriz. The Great ll-Khanid Compendium (B. V. Norik) — 273

A.F. Trotsevich, A. A. Guryeva. Description of Written Monuments of Korean Traditional Culture. Issue 2: Korean Written Monuments in the Manuscript Department of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, Russian Academy of Sciences (T.A. Pang) — 275

Beijing during the Qing Dynasty: Pictures of Folklife (min-su hua). Introduction, Translation from Chinese and Commentary by I.F. Popova (T.A. Pang) — 277

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