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PPV 1(18), 2013 Print E-mail


1 (18)
Spring-Summer 2013

Journal based in 2004
Issued twice a year

Table of Contents as a *.PDF file


Ye.I. Kychanov. The Tangut Document No. 6164 from the Collection of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, RAS 5
A short Tangut language manuscript (4 vertical lines) is the text of a complaint to authorities about the refusal of a person to fulfil an oral agreement to make 10 arrows and a quiver. The author of the article provides a Russian translation and comments on this text.

Dai Yuan Guruni Suduri (The History of the Great Heavenly Empire). Juan IV. Translation from the Manchu Language into Russian by L.V. Tiuriumina, Introduction by T.A. Pang9
A new Russian translation of the fragment from the 4th debtelin of the Manchu version of the “History of the Yuan Dynasty” (Aisin gurun-i suduri bithe) is prepared by L.V. Tiuriumina — a specialist in the Manchu language from Novosibirsk. Her translation is more precise and complete in comparison with the translation of the same text by Piotr Kamensky done in the beginning of the 19th century and published in “The History of the Heavenly Empire” (Vol. 1, Novosibirsk, 2011, p. 123-132). The publication of the new Russian version may cast a new light on the history of the Mongol dynasty.

F.O. Nofal. The Mu‘allaka of Imru’ Al-Kays24
This work is the first academically arranged translation and study of the most famous and valuable monument of ancient Arabic literature — the Mu‘allaka of Imru’ Al-Kays. The author of the translation and comments shows us the social, religious and cultural life of the Arabian Peninsula in the sixth century.

The Mu‘allaka. Edited Translation from the Arabic Language by Prof. A.A. Dolinina, Introduction by Val.V. Polosin33
The literary translation of “The Mu‘allaka” by Imru'-ul-Kays was made by Prof. A.A. Dolinina in 1983. It is re-published here with minor amendments of the translator herself and introductory words by Val.V. Polosin. This publication is designed to promote a better understanding of the poem’s contents to highlight differences between this translation and the academic translation offered by F. Nofal in the previous article of our journal.

M.I. Vorob’yova-Desyatovskaya, S.H. Shomakhmadov. The Mahāyāna Sutra Named “The Teaching [Concerning] the Prophecy [Given to Rāja] Ajitasena”39
The article presents a new version of the Ajitasena-vyākaraṇa’s translation (SI 2085 of the manuscript collection of the IOM). The authors justify the need for a new translation and give a brief description of the text.

The Story of the Land of Bali - an “Artificial” Chronicle from the Beginning of the 19th Century. Translation from the Malay Language and Introduction by L.V. Goriaeva51
The publication contains a Russian translation and a research article devoted to a Malay text dating from the beginning of the 19th century - Hikayat tanah Bali (“The Story of the Land of Bali”), written by Abdullah al-Misri, an ethnic Arab-Muslim close to the Dutch Indian colonial administration. This work, displaying some similarities with Malay regional chronicles’ tradition, was at the same time a kind of report or memorandum its author addressed to the Dutch authorities as a result of his Bali mission, describing, along with the history of the island, the distribution of zones of influence and the political situation in Bali in the first quarter of the 19th century.

“Āpta-vajrasūcī-upaniṣad” (“A Complete Upaniṣad of the Diamond Needle”). Introduction, Transliteration, Translation from Sanskrit into Russian and Commentary by S.L. Burmistrov65
The article presents the transliteration and commented translation of the Āpta-vajrasūcīupaniṣad - a late (after the 11th century) Advaitist text treating the problem of the nature of a real brāhmaṇa. The author of this upaniṣad reconsiders radically the traditional Hindu social system of yamāśrama-dharma, postulating that the affiliation to the brāhmaṇa-varṇa depends not on birth but on moral and religious qualities of a person.


A.L. Khosroyev. New Testament in the Coptic “Apocalypse of Peter” (Nag Hammadi Codex VII. 3: 70. 13-84.14) 79
On the basis of many examples the author demonstrates that the quotations from the New Testament in the Coptic “Apocalypse of Peter” (Nag Hammadi Codex VII.3) go back not to the Sahidic translation of the New Testament but to the Bohairic one.

Y.A. Ioannesyan. Some Aspects of the Notion of “Return” or “A Second Coming” in Religious Teachings 83
The article addresses the concepts of the “return” or the “second coming” of Messianic figures and God’s chosen people into this world existing in different religious traditions and schools with the main focus on Islam, the Babi and the Baha’i faiths. The present study done on the basis of primary sources has revealed three major approaches to or concepts of the “return” in different teachings based on the following factors: 1) a literal (exoteric) understanding; 2) an esoteric interpretation; 3) a figurative interpretation/symbolic understanding.

I.A. Alimov. Notes on Xiaoshuo: “Yu lin” 99
The article is dedicated to the collection named “Yu lin” (语林 “The wood of speech”) by East- Jin Dynasty’s Pei Qi (裴启, the 4th century, Pei Rong 裴荣), one of the most important collections for the history of the development of Chinese narrative. The article briefly reviews the history of the collection, its content and its place in the literary process, because “Yu lin” was the final shape of the thematic type of compilations xiaoshuo 小說 about famous people.

N.S. Yakhontova. Sanskrit-Tibetan-Mongolian Parallels: Epithets of Rivers 109
The publication is based on the epithets of rivers from the “Amarakosha” dictionary in Sanskrit, its Tibetan translations, the Tibetan dictionary “The Decoration of the Wise Men’s Ears” and the Tibetan-Mongolian dictionary compiled by Sumatiratna. It is shown how the original Sanskrit epithets were re-arranged in the Tibetan dictionary according to the Buddhist cosmological tradition.

R.Yu. Pochekaev. The “Edict” of Mandukhai Khatun and Specific Features in Development of Mongolian Law during the “Dark Ages”123
The article is devoted to the so-called “edict” of Mandukhai Khatun, Mongolian queen of the second part of 15th century which was issued after the subjugation by her of Oirat tribes. The author analyses the “edict” within the context of development of the Mongolian law during the “Dark Ages” (late 14th and 15th centuries) - a period poorly covered in sources. Mongolian law during this time was on the decline after the periods of Mongolian and Yuan Empires (1206-1368), there are isolated instances of records of Mongolian laws of this period in sources. That’s why information about a certain edict, especially containing text is of high value. The author comments the “edict” of Mandukhai Khatun, reveals its ties with Mongolian imperial law as well as new tendencies which became more apparent in the codifications of the late 16th to 18th centuries, attempts to explain why the text of the “edict” was included in one set of sources and absent from another one.

I.T. Kaneva. Parenthetic Clauses in Sumerian (Based on Texts of Old Babylonian Period, 2000-1600 BC)138
The method of including additional information about a member of sentence in the form of a parenthesis is often used in texts of Old Babylonian period. Types of parenthetic clauses in documents of this period differ in number of components (sentences with two components - subject and predicate - and sentences with an unnamed subject) and in type of predicate (verbal and copular). The subject of a parenthetic clause is omitted in case when it is expressed by a personal pronoun. Such kind of omission becomes a standard for the Sumerian language because personal pronouns are normally expressed by corresponding personal affixes in the predicate. At the end of this article the author analyses sentences which cannot be decidedly interpreted as parenthetic clauses.

I.S. Gurevich. On the Grammatical Stylistics of Buddhist Texts: Syntactic Resources (the Copula shi; Anaphora & Epiphora)149
The points examined in the paper are certain aspects of the grammatical stylistics of the Chinese texts of the 3rd — 10th centuries or, in other words, “the inner world of the language tools” of the texts mentioned. The aim of the paper is to reveal and bring to light specific syntactic resources (different aspects of the copula shi and also such methods as anaphora and epiphora) as the ways by which the author’s message could be made as clear as possible.

D.V. Tsolin. The Periphrastic Imperative and Jussive in the Aramaic Language of the Targums 159
In the Aramaic language of the targums (including the “official” Onqelos and Jonathan ben-Uzziel as well as the Palestinian targums and the Pseudo-Jonathan) different forms of imperative are used. The most extended forms for the positive commands are imperative, jussive and cohortative, and for the negative ones, the formula לא + jussive/imperfect. Apart from these basic forms, the periphrastic expressions are also used. Since it is difficult to systematize all the cases of the compound forms’ use, their semantic connotations are not explained sufficiently as yet. This article is concerned with the problem of differences in the meaning between the basic and periphrastic imperative forms in the targums.


M.A. Gizbulaev. Sira in the Arabic Literature of Dagestan. The Arabic Manuscript of the 18th Century “Wasail al-labib ‘ala fadhail al-Habib”170
The article is based on the content analysis of the most popular written work in the Arabic literary genre in Dagestan, known as “as-Sira an-nabawiyya”. The Arabic manuscript Wasail al-labib ‘ala fadhail al-Habib (The Virtues of the Beloved) by the eighteenth century versatile Dagestani Arabic scholar, Abu Bakr al-Aimaki is devoted to the study of Prophet Muhammad’s noble character. The author of the Wasail al-labib ‘ala fadhail al-Habib gave comprehensive necessary information about the life of the Last Messenger, his family, genealogy, prophetic signs, and virtues, and his model personality (such as forgiveness, kindness, courage etc.). The article deals with the problem of correlation of the statuses of prophets and angels, companions and Imams.

S.M. Iakerson. The Karasubazar Code “Latter Prophets” in the Collection of the IOM RAS (D 62). Notes on Its History, Location and Dating176
In the manuscript division of the IOM RAS there is a Biblical manuscript “Latter Prophets” that has been considered to be the oldest indirectly dated Hebrew manuscript in the world for a long time. According to the owner’s note this manuscript was dated ante 847. The following article is dedicated to the reconstruction of the history of the codex, its date and location. The article contains a complete codicological description of the manuscript as well, which is being published for the first time. According to the author, the codex can be dated to the early 11th century and located in the cultural region “Persia”. The owner’s note 847 is false.

O.V. Dyakova, A.L. Ivliev. The First Epigraphic Monument of the Mohe Culture (Necropolis Monastyrka-3)190
The article is a publication of the first Mohe epigraphic text which was discovered on a small golden bronze bell during the excavations of the necropolis Monastyrka-3 (Primorye). From the text one can see that the Mohe town in the delta of the Rudnaya River was possibly named in Chinese as Shuidaocheng (Shuishoucheng). The bronze bell from the necropolis presumably belonged to the head of the town.

Munkhtsetseg Enkhbat. The Manchu Parallel Inscription from the Mongolian National Library 198
The paper presents one of the so-called “parallel inscriptions” written in Manchu using ornamented script from the collection of the Mongolian National Library. The inscription facsimile, transcription and translation are followed by an analysis of its graphic style in comparison to the calligraphy of 32 types of handwriting used in the well-known “Ode to Mukden”.


V.F. Minorsky. Kurds as Descendants of the Medes. Introduction and Publication by Z.A. Yusupova 206
This is an unpublished article of V.F. Minorsky, a prominent 20th century Orientalist, in which the author presents his concept of the Median (Iranian) origin of the Kurds contrary to the earlier hypothesis of the autochthonous origin of the Kurds put forward by N.Y. Marr. V.F. Minorski got back to the issue of the origin of the Kurds in many of his works and the present article was, apparently, his last study on the subject. The typewritten version of the article from which the work has been prepared for publication was originally sent by the author to K.K. Kurdoyev, the prominent Kurdologist in Leningrad, in 1958 and is now preserved along with V.F. Minorski’s personal archive at the Archives of the Orientalists in IOM RAS.

S.I. Marakhonova. The Harvard-Yenching Institute and the US Educational Policy in the Asia in 1930-1950s (after the Cambridge, USA, Archival Sources) 212
The article deals with the activities of the Harvard-Yenching Institute founded in Cambridge in 1928 with the purpose of helping the higher education in China. Main kinds of work of the Institute in USA and in China are shown. Changes in the kind of activities of the Institute during World War II and after the foundation of the Peoples’ Republic of China are presented. The article is based on the documents found by the author at the Harvard University and the Harvard-Yenching Institute’s archives.

T.V. Ermakova, E.P. Ostrovskaya. Anonymous Translation of the First Chapter of the Treatise “Abhidharmakośa” by Vasubandhu (4th-5th centuries) in the Archives of the Orientalists of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, RAS223
The present paper gives an account of an interesting archive finding, which opens a new historical facet in the activities of the classical Russian school of Buddhology. This is an anonymous translation of the first chapter of the treatise “Abhidharmakośa” by the famous Buddhist thinker Vasubandhu into Russian. The text of this translation was discovered in the Archives of the Orientalists of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, RAS (section ‘China’, inventory No. 1, unit 220, 123 pages, typescript). The authors of the paper analyze the text of this yet unknown translation and ascertain its connection with the international project (undertaken in the period of 1910 - beginning of the 1930th) aimed at the introduction of the “Abhidharmakośa” into the academic discourse. A hypothesis is put forward that this translation was made from the Chinese version of the treatise and it was carried out by Otton O. Rosenberg, who was a student of Academician Th.I. Stherbatsky. The opening fragment of this archive translation is published together with the paper.

S.S. Sabrukova. Examples of Buddhist Scrolls from the A.M. Pozdneev Archive Collection 236
Buddhist scrolls represent official letters that were issued by the great Lamas (the Dalai Lamas and Panchen Lamas) to prominent political or religious figures as a sign of recognition of their achievements. They appeared at the end of the 16th century when Buddhism was recognised as an established religion among Mongolian peoples. Three copies of such scrolls have been found in the A.M. Pozdneev (1851-1920) collection that is housed in the Archives of the Orientalists at the Institute of Oriental Manuscript, RAS. The earliest scroll which was written in Tibetan semi-uncial script and includes a translation in the Oirat language, was given by the Panchen Lama V (Lobsang ye shes dpal bzang, 1663-1773) to a Thorgut Yogochari Tsordji. Two other scrolls were written only in Tibetan semi-uncial script and were given by the Dalai Lama XIII (1876- 1933) and the Panchen Lama IX (1883-1937) in 1903 to a Dorbet Lama Ngag dbang sangs rgyas. From the practical point of view, these scrolls can be seen as certificates of completing education, getting a title that enables the holder to engage in teaching activities. Their language and style have a business-like structure and are of scientific interest to researchers as examples of Buddhist documents.

M.V. Fionin. The Greek manuscript D-227 from the Collection of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, RAS (Archeographic Analysis)242
The article presents an archeographic analysis of the Greek minuscule manuscript housed in the collection of the IOS, RAS. The author describes the present state of the manuscript and deciphers marginal inscriptions which were made during the manuscript’s acquisition by the Winter Palace Library, and later by the Asiatic Museum. One of the Greek inscriptions was made by the Antioch Patriarch Hierotheos (1850-1885).

Morishita Nobuko. Useful Tips for Finding Arabic and Persian Manuscripts in Different Countries247
This paper aims to provide useful tips for finding Islamic manuscripts in various countries, especially Turkey, Iran, Egypt, Morocco and India. It is designed to familiarize researchers with effective ways to search for manuscripts. It does not seek to offer the details of all the repositories of each country, nor to comprehensively update lists of new publications. Rather, it focuses on the provision of a range of valuable information, including some fundamental references, important repository details and how to navigate for research purposes, the often perplexing systems used in local libraries.

E.V. Gusarova. Vyacheslav Mikhaylovich Platonov (1941-2012) as a Specialist in Ethiopic Manuscript Studies258
The present article consists of a short biography of Vyacheslav Mikhaylovich Platonov, Orientalist, Philologist, expert in Classical Ethiopic (Ge‘ez) and Amharic (especially in Old Amharic), in the traditional culture of Ethiopia and of an essay on his research activities and publications. At the very beginning of his academic career he became a victim of political repressions undertaken by the Soviet regime, but nevertheless succeeded in expressing himself as an Ethiopianist specialized in Manuscript Studies. The sources of information about him are represented by materials from the Department of Archival Documents of the Russian National Library, by his publications and inedited works, including drafts, by his reports of professional activities in the State Public (renamed into Russian National) Library, by personal impressions of his colleagues, friends, members of his family and, last but not least, of his disciples, one of whom proved to be the author of that article.


A.V. Zorin. The First Petersburg Tibetological Readings 274

V.V. Schepkin. Nikolai Nevsky: A Commemorative Symposium Marking the 120th Anniversary of Nikolai A. Nevsky. St. Petersburg, October 3-5, 2012 276

A.V. Zorin. The Fifth Internationa) Symposium on Tibetology in Beijing278

Т.V. Ermakova. The 6th Oriental Readings in Memory of O.O. Rosenberg282

S.Yu. Ryzhenkov. The Fourth International Conference “The Culture of the Seven Sages from the Bamboo Forest” 第四W“竹林七賢文化”网際 學術研訪會. China, Yuntaishan 雲台山 (November 24-25, 2012)286

T.A. Pang. German-Russian Workshop on the Central Asian Studies. March 14-15, 2013, Berlin (Germany) 289


Yuri Roerich. The Living Heritage. Materials for a Biography. Issue 1: Collection of Articles and Interviews. Moscow, 2012. 224 pp., ill. (I. V. Kulganek) — 291

T.G. Skorokhodova. The Bengali Renaissance: Essays on the History of Sociocultural Synthesis in Modem Indian Philosophic Thought. St. Petersburg, 2008. — 320 pp. (S.L. Burmistrov) — 293

S.F. Oldenburg. Sketches about People of Science / Ed. by S.D. Serebriany, Compiled, Introduced and Commented by Vigasin A.A. Moscow, 2012. — 478 pp. (E.P. Ostrovskaya) — 297


Evgeny Ivanovich Kychanov (1932-2013) (I.F. Popova) — 303

Evgeny Aleksandrovich Serebriakov (1928-2013) (D. Mayatsky) — 307

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