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PPV 15/3 (34), 2018 Print E-mail


Vol. 15, No. 3 (34)
Autumn 2018

Journal based in 2004
Issued quarterly

Selected Materials as a *.PDF file


“On the Malacca Fort”. An Excerpt from the Memoirs of Abdullah bin Abdulkadir Munshi. Introduction, Translation from the Malay Language and Commentary by L. V. Goriaeva5
The atricle comprises a research preface and a translation from Malay of the chapter “On the Malacca Fortress” from “The History of Abdullah” by the famous Malay author Abdullah bin Abdulkadir Munshi (1796/7–1854). In this chapter the author speaks of an event he witnessed as a teenager — the demolition of the main citadel of Malacca, the fortress A’Famosa, by the British authorities in 1808–9. He gives a detailed description of the citadel’s buildings and of the circumstances preceding its demolition, as well as of the consequences of blasting operations and the casualties they caused.
Key words: Malacca, British East India Company, fort, Dutch, Penang, the demolition of the city, Raffles, petition, the gate of Santiago, the Malay language


Alexandr L. Khosroyev. A Commentary on the Word ϪꞶΚM̄ (λουτρόν? βάπτισμα)) in the “Second Logos of the Great Seth” 58.15–16 (NHC VII.2) and Early Christian “Baptism” Generally. Part 3 — 16
The third part of the article continues our review of the usage of the concept of “baptism” (βάπτισμα) and related ones (σϕραγίς, λουτρόν) in such Christian texts of the first half of the 2nd century as the so-called 1st and 2nd Letters of Clement of Rome, The Letters of Ignatius, The Shepherd of Hermas, Didache, The Epistle of Barnabas and the writings of Justin. These texts prove that, by the mid-2nd century, the rite of “baptism by water” had already become an integral part of Church practice in different parts of the Roman Empire. To be continued in next issue.
Key words: Early Christianity, baptism, the New Testament, Christian authors, Gnosticism

Youli A. Ioannesyan. An Archaic Verbal Suffix in Khorasani Dialects — 37
The article deals with the verbal suffix -i/-e, found in some modern Khorasani Persian dialects located on either side of the border between Iran and Afghanistan, which is also met with in early medieval Persian texts in the form -ē(δ). The range of functions of the suffix varies from dialect to dialect: in some its grammatical role is extremely limited, while in others it fulfills numerous functions. This study based on dialectological material demonstrates a complete structural correspondence of the dialect examples to the relevant forms in early medieval texts as well as a single grammatical context in which the suffix occurs in modern dialects and classical texts which confirms the conclusion that Khorasani -i/-e is identical with -ē(δ) of the medieval written monuments.
Key words: Iranian linguistics, Iranian dialectology, Persian and Afghan Persian dialects

Viacheslav M. Rybakov. The Legal Aspects of Border Control in T’ang China — 43
An important part of criminal law are the laws regulating the state border regime and contacts with foreigners. Laws of this kind especially important are in traditional culture countries, where external relations are the prerogative of state institutions, and external security is considered one of the main political priorities. A good example of this kind are the laws of the medieval Chinese T’ang dynasty. They describe both the normative behavior of the subjects of the empire in relation to the state border, external relations and the frontier service, and the hypothetical violations of such behavior.
Key words: traditional China, state and law, the Tang dynasty, foreign relations, border service


Aliy I. Kolesnikov. Sasanian Influence in Persian Miniatures of 14th and 15th Centuries — 56
The paper deals with presentation of events and realia of the Ancient Iran in miniature paintings of the Muslim Iran in the 14th and 15th centuries AD. These realia consist of engraved pictures on Sasanian toreutics (3rd–7th cent.), and images of official crowns of Sasanian kings on their silver coins, and of historical legends collected in the Pahlavi Khwaday namag (7th cent.), which were preserved later in the poem Shah-name by Firdousi (10th cent.).
Key words: Sasanians, toreutics, numismatics, Khwaday namag, Shah-name, manuscripts, miniatures, Darius, Shapur III, arcaded crown, Bahram Gur, Khusro II

Olga V. Lundysheva. A Xylograph of the Uṣṇīṣavijayā dhāraṇī from Khara-Khoto: Palaeography — 81
The paper focuses on the palaeography of the Uṣṇīṣavijayā dhāraṇī blockprinted in Khara-Khoto (Tangut kingdom Xi Xia). It contains a palaeographical analysis of the aksharas of the xylograph which is premised on the comparison with manuscripts dated to the 9th–13th centuries. According to the analysis, a dating of the writing is suggested. An akshara Chart is given at the end of the article.
Key words: Central Asian palaeography, Uṣṇīṣavijayā dhāraṇī, xylograph from Khara-Khoto


Ilya V. Zaytsev. An Ottoman Paper Stamp in Manuscripts from Leiden and Novosibirsk — 91
The article specifies the dates of two manuscripts from Novosibirsk and Leiden determined with the help of a stamp of Paper Factory in Izmir (1843–1850s).
Key words: Codicology, Ottoman Paper, Paper Stamps and Dies, Manuscripts Dating

K.K. Kurdoyev. Texts in the Zaza Dialect from the Region of Batumi. Introduction, publication and commentary by Zare A. Yusupova96
The publication presents transliterations of folklore texts in the Kurdish dialect of Zaza and their Russian translations. The texts are extracted from the manuscript of K.K. Kurdoyev’s unpublished work: “A Study in Zaza”, which is kept at the Archives of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts. They were recorded by the author in 1939 (during his trip to Soviet Ajaria) from native Kurdish Zaza-speakers, refugees from Turkey who at that time resided in the Western outskirts of Batumi. The publication of these new materials related to Zaza is highly important, since in scholarly literature, Zaza is not always classified among Kurdish dialects and considered a separate language.
Key words: K.K. Kurdoyev, the Kurdish language, Zaza dialect, texts, transcription


Tatiana V. Ermakova. All-Russian Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference with Foreign Participance “Russian Himalayan Research: Past, Present, Future” (St. Petersburg, November 21–23, 2017) — 122

Tatiana A. Pang. The 3rd All-Russian Scientific Conference of Young Orientalists “China and the Neighbors” (St. Petersburg, March 1–2, 2018) — 126

Irina V. Kulganek, Tatiana A. Pang. Academician V.P. Vasiliev (1818–1900) as an Explorer of Chinese, Tibetan and Mongolian History and Culture. To the 200th Anniversary of His Birth. (St. Petersburg, April 4, 2018) — 129

Ekaterina V. Gusarova. The 40th Annual Session of St. Petersburg Arabists (St. Petersburg, April 9–11, 2018) — 132

Olga M. Chunakova. Seminar in Memory of A.A. Freiman–2018 (St. Petersburg, May 23, 2018) — 138


Alaev L.B. The Historiography of History of India. 2nd revised edition. Moscow: LENARD, 2018. 400 pp. (Helena P. Ostrovskaia) — 142

Lev R. Kontsevich. Dictionary of Place Names of the Republic of Korea: A Reference Book / Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Moscow: “Vostochnaya Literatura” Publishers, 2018. 736 pp., maps and ill. (Julia V. Boltach) — 148

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