Мөнхсайхан С. Уламжлалт монгол хэл зүйн бичгүүдийн хэл шинжлэлийн ач холбогдол хийгээд сурвалж бичгийн үнэ цэнэ // Культурное наследие монголов: коллекции рукописей и архивных документов. Сборник докладов IV международной научной конференции. 18—19 апреля 2019 г. Улан-Батор. СПб.; Улан-Батор. 2021 г. С. 121–135.
The traditional grammars inherited in our time have become a historical
and cultural valuable heritage of script. Therefore, Mongol scholars have been
persistently studying and publicizing these grammars. The author
presents nine grammars that were published during the 18th to 20th centuries
to contribute. There are details of the correct spellings of the Uyghuro-Mongol
script, phonology, morphology, and linguistic relation of the Mongolian
language in these source documents.