Livshits V.A. Sogdian Sānak, a Manichaean Bishop of 5th —early 6th Century // “Bulletin of the Asia Institute”, N.S., vol. 14. Bloomfield Hills, 2003. P. 47-54.
In 1995 Yu. F. Burjakov and G. I. Bogomolov published a number of clay bullae—sealings with impression of gems—found in the late 1980s-early 1990s at the site of Kanka, which covers over 150 hectares and is located 80 km to the southwest of modern Tashkent, 8 km from the Syr-darya bank. Archaeological work undertaken in 1934 by M. E. Masson and later excavations directed by Yu. F. Burjakov show that Kanka was the oldest urban settlement founded in Cac by Sogdians in the 3d or 2d century в.с. It lay on the southern caravan route from Sogd to Cac and until the end of the 12th century was a prosperous city. For several hundred years it was the largest city in Cac, and in the first centuries a.d. was probably the capital of the entire oasis…
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