Andreev S. Uwaysī Aspects in the Doctrine of the Rāwxanī Movement // Страны и народы Востока. Вып. XXX. Центральная Азия. Восточный Гиндукуш. СПб.: Петербургское Востоковедение, 1998. С. 137—148.
For centuries the concept of metaphysical initiation to esoteric knowledge without any participation of a living spiritual guide was a characteristic undercurrent in Sufism. This tendency is known as the Uwaysī tradition called so after Uways al-Qaranī, a legendary contemporary of the prophet Muhammad who is reputed to have communicated with him telepathically as stated by Ibn Sa‘d of Basra (circa 168 ATi/784 AD-230 AH/845 AD.), the well-known compiler of the biographies of the companions of the prophet and early ḥadīs scholars (Ibn Sa‘d, 1904-40, vol.VI, pp. 111-14)1. In this respect the Pashtuns’ homeland was not an exception. The traces of UwaysT tradition are visible in the doctrine of the Rawxänl movement, a powerful 16th-17th century religio-political movement which dominated intellectual and political life of the Pashtun tribesmen for almost seven decades
2 октября 2023 г. Отдел Дальнего Востока ИВР РАН проводит конференцию в честь 90-летия выдающего отечественного китаеведа Александра Степановича Мартынова (1933–2013).