Mescherskaya E. [Review:] A. Desreumaux. Repertoire des Bibliothèques et des Catalogues de manuscrits syriaques. Paris: 1991, 286 pp. // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 2. No. 4. December 1996. P. 68.
The work published by French scholar A. Desreumaux in
co-operation with F. Brickel-Shatonneau is warmly welcomed
by all Syrologists. The author of the monograph
works in the Centre for the Study of Religious Scriptures of
the Practical High School of Paris. He also takes part in the
programs of the Centre on the Study of Hellenistic Judaism
and the Origin of Christianity. In scholarly circles
A. Desreumaux is known for his wide range of interests and
subjects of his studies. These include Syrian epigraphies
and palaeography, the history of Syro-Melkite Christian
communities, archaeological works on the site of HirbetSamra
in Palestine. His permanent interest is research in the
field of Christian apocryphal literature — he is one of the
most active fellows of the International Association on the
Study of Christian Apocryphal Texts...