Rezvan E. The Qur’ān and Its World: II. The Miracle of the Book (The Our’ān and Pre-lslamic Literature) // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 3. No. 1. March 1997. P. 25—32.
According to the traditional point of view, the Qur’ān as
a literature work remains aside of the main trends of the literary
activities of the Arabians, being connected with them
only by the use of the common language and saj’ as
a literary form. No serious attempt was undertaken,
however, to study the Qur’ānic text in connection with the
literary tradition preceding or contemporary with it. Meanwhile
this attitude, in our opinion, could elucidate not only
the specific features of the contents and the form of the
Qur’ān but also explain some key points of the understanding
and interpretation of the Qur’ān by medieval Muslim