Klyashtorny S. [Review:] Peter Zieme. Altun Yaruq Sudur, Vorworte und das erste Buch. Edition, Obersetzung der alttürkischen Version des Goldglanzsūtra (Suvarṇaprabhāsottamasūtra). Turnhout, the Brepols Publishing House: 1996, 230 pp., with 88 Plates. – Berliner Turfantexte, XVIII // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 3. No. 1. March 1997. P. 66—68.
The Old Turkic literary tradition and culture of writing
reached its peak in what appears to be a sphere lacking in
originality, in the field of translation. Meanwhile the impressive
amount of translated texts, first of all of religious
treatises — Manichaean, Buddhist, Christian — allowed the
thin layer of Turkic intellectual elite, formed in the nineteenth
centuries in the oasis-cities of Kansu and East Turkestan,
to make acquaintance with the highest achievements
of philosophy and literature of the ancient civilizations of
India, China, Iran, and of Christian Orient. The process
took a very short time, and the background of it was purely
confessional. Needless to say, without a very high level
of adaptation of a different linguistic mentality to the already
established Turkic literary language and to the
changing, in the course of several centuries, imperial standards
of the imago mundi the development of that new
civilized environment by the Turks would have been
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