The literature which reports the holdings of Sinhalese script
manuscripts in the various collections of such manuscripts
around the world is uneven with regard to noting the
painted wooden bookcovers, and other bookcovers, which
sometimes accompany these manuscripts. Given here is
a survey of the reports of such bookcovers in our manuscript
catalogues, together with a compilation of all references
to such bookcovers and otherwise decorated Sinhalese
bookcovers. This material is often of qualified nature.
It is presented as a tool for further research with the
hope it will aid in filling gaps and correcting inaccuracies
in our present data on these bookcovers...
Объявление о предзащите диссертации на соискание ученой степени доктора филологических наук Богданова Ивана Валерьевича «Проблемы изучения лексики египетского языка эпохи Древнего царства: фразеология, титулы, антропонимика».