Rezvan E. The Qur’ān and Its World: IV. “Raise Not Your Voices above the Prophet’s Voice” (Society, Power and Etiquette Norms) // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 3. No. 4. December 1997. P. 35—44.
Our few sources on the history of Arabia in the sixth and
early seventh centuries testify to a wide-spread feeling of
tension and social unease. The reasons for this situation
should be sought primarily in the particular features of the
stage of social development which Arabia was then experiencing.
The social and property relations which formed at
this time in populated centres as a result of long-term developments
came into conflict with the traditional patriarchal
system of values and ideas. The primitive paganism
which provided an ideological underpinning for society's
traditional relations could not compete with world religions,
which for many Arabians symbolized the flourishing
civilizations of their neighbours. The ruin or serious weakening
of intra-Arabian power structures linked to the “great
states” of Persia and Byzantium led to a power vacuum.
Moreover, the social practices of Arabian border principalities,
which over centuries accumulated experience in
new forms of socio-political relations, and long-standing
participation in trade movement led to the erosion of some
of clan society’s most important institutions. Long-time ties
to Persia and Byzantium and the experience of military
success in conflicts with the forces of the “great states”
demonstrated hitherto unseen possibilities in Arabia, and
raised its prestige in its own eyes. A prophetic movement
arose in Arabia in answer to this new reality — its most
successful and far-seeing representative was Muḥammad...
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