Nearly half a century ago, E. Sepir noted that the “real
world” is to a significant degree unconsciously constructed
on the linguistic experience of particular groups and that the
dissimilarity of languages reveals concealed, distinct worlds
rather than a common world equipped with various
labels. In previously published articles in this series, we
have touched several times on particular features of
Qur’ānic language. The Qur’ān represents in many ways
a unique document. Among other things, it scrupulously records
the language in use at a certain time and in a certain place, namely, the Arabic of the settled centres of Arabia in
the first third of the seventh century. This language
described the “real world” as it appeared to a person who
lived then amid the fundamental changes, which had
engulfed Arabian society and which, naturally, found their
reflection in language. The question arises if there is any
method which would help in reconstructing the "real world"
of Muḥammad and his contemporaries, relying in our work
on the linguistic material contained in the Qur’ān and taking
into account the particular features of this document...
4 марта 2024 г. (понедельник) в 14:00 состоится заседание Ученого Совета, на котором будет заслушан доклад г.н.с., д.и.н. Т.Д. Скрынниковой «Возрождение имперских амбиций у монголов XVII в. на материале Altan Tobči».