November 26, 1998 marks seventy years since the birth of Professor Nishida Tatsuo, a well-known linguist in
international Oriental studies circles and an outstanding specialist on Tibeto-Burman languages. Prof Nishida
Tatsuo was born in the city of Osaka. During the Second World War he endured hardships and the terror of
intense bombings. In his words, these experiences remained with him for the rest of his life. Bombing partially
destroyed the building of the Institute of Foreign Languages in Osaka, where Prof. Nishida studied after
completing seconda1)' school. On March 31, I948 he graduated from the Osaka Institute of Foreign Languages, al
present the Department of the Chinese Language at the Osaka University of Foreign Languages. One of his
teachers was Prof. Ishihama Juntaro, who collaborated with N. A. Nevsky on reviving the study of texts written in
the dead Tangut language. To this aim, articles on Tangut studies jointly authored by Ishihama Juntaro and
N. A. Nevsky appeared in 1927 and 1930. It was Prof Juntaro who suggested Tangut studies - the study of the
language and literature of Hsi Hsia - to his talented student as a promising field...
4—6 декабря 2023 г. состоится Ежегодная научная сессия ИВР РАН «Письменное наследие Востока как основа классического востоковедения». Предлагаем вашему вниманию программу Сессии.