Mescheryakov A. [Review:] Maria V. Toropygina. Descriptive Catalogue of Japanese Books in St. Petersburg University. A Catalogue of the Arisugawa Collection. Tokyo: Benseisha, 1998, 112 pp. // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 4. No. 3. September 1998. P.71—72.
The collection of wood-block prints and manuscripts held in
the library of St. Petersburg University, which were catalogued
by Maria Toropygina, a Japanese studies librarian at
the Library of the St. Petersburg Branch of the Institute of
Oriental Studies, is of great historical and cultural value.
It was the Japanese prince Arisugawa (1835–1895) who
ordered to send a collection of Japanese wood-block
prints and manuscripts to St. Petersburg University. Prince
Arisugawa was an outstanding personality in the history of
the nineteen-century Japan. He was among those who joined
the anti-Shogunate movement to restore the Emperor's
power. In 1870, after the Shogunate was abolished he was
appointed Minister of Military Affairs and afterwards
played an active role in public affairs. In 1882, Prince
Arisugawa visited the United States and Europe. The
Prince's visit to Russia took place in September. Here,
in Russia, he had an audience at the Russian Tsar
Alexander III (r. 1881–1894). It is after this visit to
St. Petersburg that Prince Arisugawa made his generous donation
to St. Petersburg University...
11–13 октября 2023 года в Казани состоятся Третьи Ковалевские чтения (Конференция посвящается 190-летию образования Кафедры монгольской словесности в Казанском университете).