Rezvan E. The Qur’ān and Its World: VIII/1. Contra Legem Saracenorum: the Qur’ān in Western Europe // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 4. No. 4. December 1998. P. 41—51.
The Qur’ān is a text which occupies the central place in
a religious-philosophical system which has for fourteen
centuries played an important role in human history. From
the moment of its appearance, it was, in essence, interpreted
and studied primarily in the context of competing politicalideological
and confessional interests and in conditions of
a centuries-long confrontation between the Christian world
and the world of Islam.
The ideological necessity of study of the Qur’ān was
a constant condition both in the choice of approaches to the
sacred book of Islam and in its interpretation. Up through
the present, the religious affiliation of the author of this or
that study has influenced in the most direct fashion his evaluation of the Qur’ā n as a historical-cultural document. Past centuries have seen mankind endure a multitude of
ideological shifts and cultural revolutions, mass political
and religious movements have followed one after the other,
philosophical conceptions and schools have become popular
only to be forgotten, cultural orientations and priorities
have changed. In one fashion or another, all of this found its
expression in shifting approaches to the Qur’ān. To a great
extent, the basic stages in the history of the study of the
Qur’ān in Europe, the evolution of methodologies for
studying and understanding this text, have been reflected in
the history of its publication and translation...
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