Zalesskaya V. [Review:] E. Balicka-Witakowska. La Crucifixion sans Crucifié dans l’art éthiopien. Recherches sur la service de l’iconographie chrétienne de l’Antiquité tardive. – Bibliotheca nubica et aethiopica, No. 4, herausgegeben von P.O. Scholz. Warsaw: 1997, 1888, 108 pp. // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 5. No. 1. March 1999. P. 71—72.
This monograph by E. Balicka-Witakowska, which concerns
the complex iconographic issue of crucifixion scenes
in Ethiopian art where the crucified Christ is not depicted, is
her doctoral dissertation, written under the direction of Professor
Karl Otto Nordstrom. The work was defended at the
University of Uppsala (Sweden) on May 20, 1993. The
study has appeared as an independent book in the series
Bibliotheca nubica et aethiopica with the help of the Centre
for Mediterranean Archaelogy Studies at the Polish Academy
of Sciences in Warsaw...
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