Since publication of my paper, “Sinhalese Painted Wooden
Bookcovers”, in Manuscripta Orientalia, some additional
references containing material on painted and otherwise
decorated Sinhalese bookcovers have appeared in the
library computer catalogue, or have come to my attention
from other sources. The first source is Pratapaditya Pal and
Julia Meech-Pekarik’s, “Buddhist Book Illuminations”.
This source discusses Sinhalese decorative bookcovers. The
discussion, though, aside from the interesting narration
of stories associated with some scenes on some of the bookcovers
shown, is very general in keeping with a broad
survey such as this book. Further, it is not always correct
regarding what is uncommon on such bookcovers...
21 октября 2024 г. (понедельник) в 14:00 состоится заседание Ученого Совета, на котором будет заслушан научный доклад г.н.с., д.ф.н. И.В. Кульганек «Генезис монгольских триад».