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Kaileh H.A Feasibility Study for the Digitalization of Arabic Manuscript Collections in Jerusalem // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 5. No. 4. December 1999. P. 47—57.

The digitalization of documents is a new technology that has recently come to be practiced in libraries. It is an extremely important technique for increasing the value of documents, which are part of the national heritage, and manuscripts in particular, by improving access to them and helping with their preservation. This report is a feasibility study of the digitalization of a collection of manuscripts in Jerusalem.

In the last few years, with the development of new information technology and improvements in communications, especially with the emergence of the Internet, digitalisation has become a technique which seems to be capable to solve many problems of conservation, dissemination of information and its processing. Applied to documents, it can help with their preservation, improving the possibilities of access to them. This new technology offers the best means of close study of manuscripts as well as a means to gain ready access to them from distance. The studies carried out by the author of the present article have established a huge important potential of this technology exists to improve preservation of the national heritage and manuscripts in particular. Good examples of this are the projects of the Bibliothèque Nationale de France and that of the Vatican Library.

Manuscript collections in Jerusalem constitute a very important cultural resource which deserves being preserved as part of the universal cultural heritage and of the Palestinian national heritage as well. The transmission of knowledge is a strategic factor in social and cultural development. For this reason, carrying out a study on the possibility of preserving and safeguarding those manuscripts by using digitalization technique can be viewed as a very important task, since the new technology enables us to have a good means to present the treasures of the national heritage to everyone. It is of especially importance when there are problems of access as is the case with Jerusalem which has been closed to the residents of the West Bank and the Gaza strip since 1993. At the same time, the political situation in Palestine makes access to Palestine and its cities (in particular, to Jerusalem) impossible for the majority of residents in the neighbouring countries...

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