Park Songgyu, Ch’oe Tŏksu, Chŏng Ubong, Hŏ Sunch’ŏl. Collections of Korean Manuscripts, Block-Prints, and Old-Print Books in Russia // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 6. No. 2. June 2000. P. 39—45.
Since the pre-Revolutionary period, St. Petersburg has
been a centre of Oriental studies in Russia. Only the
St. Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies
(henceforth SPIOS) contains an enormous collection of
Korean manuscripts and block-prints. The aim of the
current work is to analyze, examine, and classify Korean
manuscripts preserved in Russian collections. In the context
of active research in Korean studies in Korea itself and
abroad, the systematic study and classification of written
texts of Korean culture are of primary importance. The
location, quantity and nature of the manuscripts and books
which are found outside of Korea are known only vaguely
in our country. Partial research has been conducted on written
texts in Japan, Europe and the USA. The necessity of
the current work is dictated by the fact that until recently we
have known next to nothing about written texts of Korean
culture in Russia...
Объявление о предзащите диссертации на соискание ученой степени доктора филологических наук Богданова Ивана Валерьевича «Проблемы изучения лексики египетского языка эпохи Древнего царства: фразеология, титулы, антропонимика».