Any specialist who works closely with a collection as
rich as the collection of Eastern manuscripts at the
St. Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies
faces a constant danger. Virtually every visit to the manuscript
repository produces a find. One fetches a manuscript
from the shelf, opens an unprepossessing folder or box.
and it begins: when one pauses to recall the reason for
the visit, several hours have passed and the thrill of the hunt
carries one farther and farther. Leaping from one theme to
another, drawn on by astonishing material, the researcher
runs the risk of never writing anything significant...
2—4 декабря 2024 г. состоится Ежегодная научная сессия ИВР РАН «Письменное наследие Востока как основа классического востоковедения». Предлагаем вашему вниманию программу Сессии.