Petrosyan I. [Review:] I. V. Kulganek. Catalogue of Mongolian-Language Folklore Materials in the Orientalists’ Archive at the St. Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies (Russian Academy of Sciences). St. Petersburg: Peterburgskoe vostokovedenie Publishing House, 2000, 320 pp. – Russian Oriental Studies Archive, V // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 7. No. 1. March 2001. P. 69—70.
The Catalogue under review is the first catalogue of its
type. The idea of it emerged as a result of the author's work
on rich Mongolian folklore archival materials kept at the
St. Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies.
They were gathered by several generations of Russian
scholars, travelers, and folklore collectors. The Academy
of Sciences library’s first acquisitions date to the mid-eighteenth
century and include materials on the folklore of
the Selengin Buryats. Those were collected during
D. G. Messerschmidt’s expedition to Siberia and G. F. Müller
(in Russian rendering Miller) and P. S. Pallas’ expedition to
the Transbaikal. They were later transferred to the Asiatic
Museum, which was founded in 1818, and became part of
the Oricntalists’ Archive at the St. Petersburg Branch of
the Institute of Oriental Studies when it was formed in
1931. A large number of folklore materials collected. for
example, by Ts. Zhamtsarano, B. Baradiyn, and N. Ochirov
were acquired from the Russian Committee for the Study of
Central and East Asia...