Sazykin A. [Review:] Elisabetta Chiodo. The Mongolian Manuscripts on Birch Bark from Xarbuxyn Balgas in the Collection of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences. Part I. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2000, X, 305 pp., plus facsimiles // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 7. No. 2. June 2001. P. Asiatische Forschungen, Bd. 137 // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 7. No. 2. June 2001. P. 71—.
When perusing the catalogues and descriptions of Mongolian
manuscript and xylograph collections, one constantly
encounters the names of well-known Mongolian studies
specialists who brought numerous collections of Mongolian
written materials to dozens of currently existing repositories
of Eastern manuscript and print books. From the very
beginning of Mongolian studies as an academic discipline.
seeking out and collecting Mongolian books was a key part
of the process that allowed us to appreciate properly the
diversity and breadth of the Mongolian peoples’ written
legacy, which took shape on the vast expanses of Mongolia
over nearly eight centuries...
19 апреля 2023 г. (среда) в 14:00 состоится заседание Ученого Совета, на котором будет заслушан доклад с.н.с., к.ф.н. Т.И. Оранской «45 лет спустя. Встреча с гиссарскими парья в Таджикистане в 2022 г.».