Zack E. Yūsuf al-Maghribī’s Egyptian-Arabic Word List. A Unique Manuscript in the St. Petersburg State University Library // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 7. No. 3. September 2001. P. 46—49.
The library of the Oriental Faculty of the St. Petersburg
State University contains among its collection a unique
manuscript (call number Ms O. 778) entitled Daf‘ al-iṣr ‘an
kalām ahl Miṣr (“Removing the Burden from the Speech of
the People of Egypt”: hereafter referred to as Daf‘ al-iṣr).
This manuscript dates to the beginning of the eleventh
century A.H. (the beginning of the seventeenth century
A.O.). The author of the work, Yūsuf b. Zakariyā b. Ḥarb
al-Maghribī, died in 1019 / 1611. The importance of the
manuscript lies in the fact that, to the best of my
knowledge, it is the first dictionary of the Egyptian Arabic
dialect. Moreover, the manuscript is the autograph. As far
as I know, there are no other copies of the work. This
unique manuscript is the subject of the Ph. D. research by
the author of the present article. The research will consist of
an edition of the text and a study of its contents.
This paper is an attempt to summarize the issues I
intend to discuss in my Ph. D. research. I am going to
highlight the following topics: (i) the life of the author of
the work, Yūsuf al-Maghribī (ii) the St. Petersburg copy of
the work: its history and present form; (iii) the contents of
the manuscript. It includes not only a dictionary but also
poetry, anecdotes, and remarks on the culture and customs
of the seventeenth-century Egypt...
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