Erkinov A. Manuscript Collections of the Former Uzbek Academy of Sciences Institute of Manuscripts (1978—1998) // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 8. No. 1. March 2002. P. 36—38.
The Hamid Sukymanov Institute of Manuscripts (Academy
of Sciences. Republic of Uzbekistan) is a rather young
institution. It was created in 1978 on the basis of the Uzbek
State ‘Alī Shīr Nawā’ī Museum of Literature. This
Museum, in turn, was founded in 1968 on the basis of
a small museum of literature that had functioned under the
Institute of Language and Literature (Academy of Sciences,
Republic of Uzbekistan) since 1939. The manuscripts
that had been gathered at this museum were later transferred
to the collection of the Nawā’ī State Museum of
Literatureб which became one of the larger subdivisions
of the collection at the Institute of Manuscripts after the
latter’s creation...
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