Stcherbatsky Th. The Central Conception of Buddhism and the Meaning of the Word “Dharma”. L., Royal Asiatic soc., 1923, 112 c. (Prise publ. fund., vol. 7).
This short treatise was originally conceived as a contribution to the Royal Asiatic Society's Journal: its size induced the Council to publish it as a monograph, and my Lest thanks are due to the Council for this kind decision. I must also express my gratitude to Mrs. C. A. F. Rhys Davids, who was always ready to help with her vast knowledge of Pali literature. Professor H. Jacobi kindly went through the proofs, and to him I am indebted for many a valuable suggestion. Dr. McGovern contributed some of the references to Chinese sources. But my deepest gratitude is due to Dr. F. W. Thomas, who devoted much of his precious time to the revision of my work and to carrying it through the press.
In transliteration I have usually not distinguished the guttural, etc., nasals, when occurring before the consonants of their respective classes.
Объявление о предзащите диссертации на соискание ученой степени доктора филологических наук Богданова Ивана Валерьевича «Проблемы изучения лексики египетского языка эпохи Древнего царства: фразеология, титулы, антропонимика».