Kılıç Cengiz A., Turanskaya A. Old Uyghur Sitātapatrā Dhāraṇī Fragments Preserved in the State Hermitage Museum // Written Monuments of the Orient. Vol. 7, No. 1(13), 2021. P. 100–117.
Due to the publication of Nikolai Pchelin and Simone-Christiane Raschmann
“Turfan manuscripts in the State Hermitage — a rediscovery” published in 2016, it became
obvious that some manuscript and blockprint fragments in different languages used in
Central Asia, that had been discovered in the course of four German Turfan expeditions
(1902–1914) and later housed in the Museum für Völkerkunde (Berlin) for exhibition
reasons, nowadays are preserved in the depot of the State Hermitage Museum. The present
article deals with two Old Uyghur fragments of Sitātapatrā dhāraṇī blockprinted during the
Yuan era. This paper presents codicological description of the fragments, and transcription,
transliteration, translation and facsimiles of the preserved parts of the text.