Kriakina L., Yampolskaya N. The Painted Scroll of Altan Khan as a Material Object: Provenance, State of Preservation, Codicological Description // Quaestiones Mongolorum disputatae No 18. Tokyo : Association for International Studies of Mongolian Culture, 2022. P. 1–20.
The Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, Russian Academy of Sciences, preserves an unusual specimen of a Chinese-Mongolian document that goes back to late Ming dynasty — an illustrated scroll that contains the text of a vassal letter (Chin. piao 表) written by Altan Khan to the Emperor Wanli in 1580 concerning the presentation of annual tribute. The letter is bilingual, the Mongolian text being a translation from Chinese. The scroll is over nine metres in length, and its largest part is occupied by a painting that depicts the journey of the tribute-bearers from Guihuacheng (Chin. 歸化城; Mong. Kökeqota) to the Forbidden City.
11–13 октября 2023 года в Казани состоятся Третьи Ковалевские чтения (Конференция посвящается 190-летию образования Кафедры монгольской словесности в Казанском университете).