Frantsouzoff S. Epigraphic evidence for the cult of the god Sīn at Raybūn and Shabwa // Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, vol.31. Brepols, 2001. С. 59—67.
Among the sites excavated at Raybūn (Western Hadramawt) by the Soviet Yemeni Complex (i.e. multi-disciplinary) Expedition (SOYCE) between 1983-1991, the temple called Mayfacan dedicated to the god Sīn proved to be the richest in epigraphic materials. Over 1100 inscriptions were found there, i.e. 40% of the total of more than 2700 South Arabian texts discovered by the SOYCE. They are very different from the epigraphic documents found in the two temples of the goddess Dhāt Himyam at Raybūn (Rahbān and Kafas/Na’mān), in their outward appearance, vocabulary, drafting formulae, content, etc. In the so-called 'recent' period (the mid-third to first centuries ВС), the texts offered at Mayfa’an were mainly carved on stelae, while the overwhelming majority of the dedications made at the sanctuaries of Dhāt Himyam, especially in Rahbān, were inscribed on rectangular slabs. Besides this formal distinction, both groups of epigraphic material are notable for their lexical peculiarities. The analysis of the vocabulary of the texts from the temples of Mayfa’ān and Rahbān demonstrates that of approximately 70 words attested exclusively in Raybūn only seven occur in the inscriptions from both temples (Frantsouzoff, forthcoming, a: section III)… PDF-файлы Полный текст статьи
Ключевые слова надписи посвятительные Райбун религия доисламская Син Советско-йеменская комплексная экспедиция Хадрамаут Шабва Южная Аравия Южная Аравия
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