Kushev V. The Formation and Study of the Afghan Manuscript Collection in the St. Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 4. No. 1. March 1998. P. 40—49.
Far from all collections of Oriental manuscripts contain manuscripts in the Afghan (Pashto) language, and only a few of them have manuscript collections in which the best works of Pashto classical literature are represented with sufficient completeness.
The collection of Pashto-language manuscripts at the St. Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies runs to twenty-six volumes which contain twenty-nine copies of twenty-two works and twenty-two individual poems by eight poets, including some not represented in diwans. It is one of the largest collections in the world, which can be confirmed through a comparison with the best collections in European and Asian libraries (although it is, of course, like other Afghan collections, quantitatively not comparable to Persian collections, for example)…
6–7 марта
2025 г. ИВР РАН совместно с Восточным факультетом СПбГУ и Институтом Конфуция при
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«Китай и соседи».