Kápolnás O. The Identity of Chinggis Khan’s Father According to Written Mongolian Accounts // Mongolica-XIV. СПб.: Петербургское востоковедение, 2015. С. 62—67.
It is generally accepted that Chinggis khan's father was Yisügei ba'atur. Most of the Mongolian accounts support
this idea, but other answers to this question also emerged. As the Mongols’ way of thinking changed, other
figures were also brought up who were regarded as the great khan’s father. Vajrapani and Qormusda were also
mentioned as his father, but in several cases the identity of Chinggis’ father was irrelevant. The reason for this is
that the descendants traced back their power and legitimacy to Chinggis, not to his father, and they wanted to emphasize
the illustrious origin of the Great khan.
Объявление о предзащите диссертации на соискание ученой степени доктора исторических наук Богданова Ивана Валерьевича «Эпиграфика как источник по социально-политической и культурной истории Древнего Египта: памятники и их судьбы».