Miyake Marc Hideo. Complexity from Compression: a Sketch of Pre-Tangut // Тангуты в Центральной Азии: Сборник статей в честь 80-летия профессора Е.И.Кычанова. М.: Восточная литература, 2012. С. 244―261.
Nearly half a century ago, E.I. Kychanov and M.V. Sofronov co-authored
"Issledovanija po fonetike tangutskogo jazyka" (1963), the first monograph
with a systematic reconstruction of Tangut phonology. Several other reconstructions
have appeared since then. All have distinct values for most, if not all, of
the 105 rhymes of the 文海寶韻 "Precious Rhymes of the Sea of Characters", a monolingual
Tangut dictionary. These reconstructed values generally contain few final
consonants and no final obstruents. G. Clauson was skeptical about such a rhyme
system: “Sofronov’s (1963) list contains sixty-five open vowels <...> It does seem
impossible that a Tangut phonetician, however acute his hearing, could have distinguished
sixty-five different open vowel sounds, even if some of these were in fact diphthongs”. His objections could also apply to later reconstructions. Nonetheless,
there is no Chinese, Tibetan, or Sanskrit transcription evidence for a more
elaborate set of final consonants in Tangut, so it is safest to continue reconstructing
a large number of final vowels...