Reinhold В. Women in the Rural Employment Scene in Northern Pakistan: Experiences and Expectations // Страны и народы Востока. Вып. XXX. Центральная Азия. Восточный Гиндукуш. СПб.: Петербургское Востоковедение, 1998. С. 341—352.
While a great part of rural labour in Central Asia is conducted by women, only
few women participate in paid labour or employment: Too few women obtain
a suitable education or are able to leave the traditional field of female duties, to
participate in greater numbers in the process of employment. Scholars have so
far devoted little attention to the question of the integration of Central Asian
women into the employment scene. However, the main reason there has been
little scientific interest in this question, is no doubt the critical situation
prevailing in most of the area. Since the breakup of the Soviet state system, no
current figures or facts are available about the life of women in Tajikistan and
the other now independent Central Asian states; civil war and impoverishment
may have destroyed much of the former structures which gave women a greater
chance of participation in family-independent employment as opposed to other
parts of Central Asia. The population of Afghanistan keeps struggling for bare
life through the ever-lasting chaos of war; the Chinese province of Xinjiang,
submitted to Beijings’rule, has until now not been open to foreign scientists for