Barbati Ch. Introduction // Writen Monuments of the Orient. 2(8), 2018. P. 3—10.
This publication has been made possible thanks to many people who have
supported it in various ways. First of all, I thank the members of the Board
of the Societas Iranologica Europaea for the period 2011–2015, Pierfrancesco
Callieri, Desmond Durkin-Meisterernst, Almut Hintze, Pavel Borisovich
Lurje, Florian Schwarz, Maria Szuppe and Gabrielle van den Berg for
accepting my suggestion to organize a special panel at ECIS8 in St. Petersburg
on Studies in Medieval Iranian Manuscript Traditions other than
Islamic and for their interest and encouragement.
The special panel held during the ECIS8 was intended to be an opportunity
for exchange among specialists in the field of Middle Iranian Studies
— or “Mitteliranistik”, if I may use this term — which is well defined
within philology and linguistics and in particular within historical-comparative
linguistics. With the organization of a special conference panel and
the subsequent publication of this volume we hoped to create a space for
discussion and research which for the first time put also the material aspects
of manuscripts as “objects bearing texts” at center stage. It encouraged
interaction between diverse disciplines and methodological approaches —
philology, linguistics, codicology, palaeography, history — while avoiding
subordinating any one of them under another field or approach. Rather, from
the outset it attributed equal merits and importance to each of them, while
being fully aware that an entire field of inquiry, that of material analysis,
is still largely absent from the discussion... PDF-файлы Полный текст статьи
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16 декабря 2024 г. (понедельник) в 14:00 состоится заседание Ученого Совета, на котором будет заслушан научный доклад в.н.с., к.и.н. А.А. Хисматулина «Назидательная литература эпохи Салджукидов на персидском языке (итоги выполнения плановой темы НИР)». |