MacKenzie D. N. Some Names from Nisa // Переднеазиатский сборник. IV. Древняя и средневековая история и филология стран Переднего и Среднего Востока. М.: Наука, ГРВЛ, 1986. С. 105—115.
Not the least interesting feature of the Parthian
linguistic material revealed by the ostraca discovered
at Nisa, in the publication of which I have been privileged
to co-operate with V. A. Livshits, is the onomasticon.
This will be no surprise to our celebree, who has
himself prepared it, but as it may be some time before
the whole will be published, it seems appropriate to
present at least a selection from the material in this,
his own volume. In thus offering him his own findings,
however, I hope to add my mite...