Jakerson Sh. [Review:] Me’or ’ayin ("The Light of Eye"). Karaite Hebrew Grammar. The Manuscript of 1208. Facsimile, edition of text, Russian translation from Hebrew, research and commentary by M. N. Zislin. Moscow: Nauka Publishing House, 1990. – 215 pp. (Literary monuments of the Orient, XCVO // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 1, No 1, July 1995. P. 72.
The publication contains a philological study and the text
of the Hebrew grammar-book “Me’or ’ayin” (Light of Eye),
which forms a part of one of the unique Hebrew manuscripts
from the A. Firkovich collection. At present it is
preserved in the Russian National Library in St. Petersburg
[Evr. II A 132/1). The manuscript was written by scribe
Jehudah ben-Jaacob ben-Jehudah in the town of Gagry
(GGR; apparently it can be identified with the town of Gagry
on the shore of the Black Sea, Georgia)...