Vorobyeva-Desyatovskaya M. and Rezvan E. [Review:] Manuscripts from the Himalayas and the Indian Subcontinent. Catalogue 17. Sam Fogg Rare Books. Catalogue by Sam Fogg and Bob Miller. Photography by Matt Pia. Typesetting, Page Artwork and Printing by Titus Wilson and Son, Kendal, Cumbria. London: 1996, 161 pp. // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 2. No. 2. June 1996. P. 65—66.
The publication under review is a special type of a catalogue
of Oriental manuscripts which came to Europe in the
last few years through private collectors. As a rule, people
travelling in the East enjoy buying various rarities, Oriental
manuscripts among them, from local traders. The attention
of non-specialists is attracted first of all by illuminated
manuscripts. Illustrations — drawings, schemes, miniatures,
are the only thing which allows this kind of collectors
to estimate the contents of what they are buying. In our
days, when Eastern medicine, philosophy and especially
astrology and magic became more popular than the
achievements of Western science, collectors' interest in the
subjects enumerated above became even stronger. To
evaluate from the scientific point of view the manuscripts
which come to the European market and to provide the
collectors with right recommendations is a very important
task. Such recommendations not only allow to estimate the
real value of many private collections, they help also to understand the achievements of Oriental culture accumulated
and reflected in the manuscripts...
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