Bogdanov K. Ritual Funeral Text Tang 665 from the Tangut Collection of IOM, RAS // Written Monuments of the Orient, 2. Moscow: Vostochnaya literatura, 2015. P. 48-60.
This paper represents a brief study and a translation of a ritual funeral text
dated to the 11th–13th сc. Despite its brevity, the manuscript is a consistent and
complete fragment describing the ritual and proving the doubtless similarity between the
Tangut and Tibetan religious traditions. The very age of the text attests to the fact that
this tradition has survived down to the present day in unaltered form. PDF-файлы Полный текст статьи
Ключевые слова бардо буддизм тангутский буддизм тангутский ритуал погребальный