[Review:] “Vtoroi” i “Tretii” al’bomy o. Iakinfa (N.Ya. Bichurina) [The “Second” and “Third” Albums of Fr. Iakinf (N.Ya. Bichurin)] / Introduction by Academician V.S. Miasnikov and O.V. Vassilieva. Publication by O.V. Vassilieva — St. Petersburg: National Library of Russia, 2012. — 56 pp. + 58 pp. of facsimiles (Nontraditional sources on the history of China during the Qing Dynasty (1644–1911), by Irina F. Popova // Written Monuments of the Orient. 1(3), 2016. P. 113–114.
The albums published by Vladimir Miasnikov and Olga Vassilieva form part of
the legacy of the outstanding Russian sinologist Father Iakinf (Nikita Yakovlevich
Bichurin, 1777–1853) and show a hitherto unknown side of his talents as an artist
and ethnographer...
To WMO, 1(3), 2016... PDF-файлы Полный текст статьи
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