Yampolskaya N. A Note on Foliation in Mongolian Pothi Manuscripts // Rocznik Orientalistyczny. Tom LXVIII. Zeszyt 2. Warszawa: Elipsa, 2015. P. 258–265.
The present article describes several kinds of marginalia found in Mongolian pothi format manuscripts, such as numbers written in the right margin, letters of the Tibetan alphabet, and various graphic signs (dots, strokes, circles). The observations based on the study of multi-volume manuscripts that date back to the 17th century suggest that these marginal signs are related to foliation, and contain information on the process of the work of the scribes. The article suggests a method of using these marginalia as a codicological tool when attributing manuscript fragments. PDF-файлы Полный текст статьи
Ключевые слова Ганджур кодикология нумерация листов потхи рукописи монгольские